Mahi ago bent leg
  • Muscle group: Buttocks
  • Type of exercises: Basic
  • Additional muscles: Hip
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: None
  • Level of difficulty: Beginner
Махи назад согнутой ногой Махи назад согнутой ногой
Махи назад согнутой ногой Махи назад согнутой ногой

Mahi back bent with the foot — technique exercises:

  1. Get on your knees. Place the straight arms on the floor in front of him. Hands should be perpendicular to the torso, as shown in the figure. Palms are shoulder-width apart. The knees should create a right angle. This will be your initial position.
  2. On the exhale, lift your right leg up, straining buttocks until the back of the thigh will not appear on the same level with the topline. The knee is bent at a right angle. Hold this position for a few seconds. Hint: at the end of the movement of the thigh should be parallel and the Shin perpendicular to the floor.
  3. On the inhale return to starting position. Repeat movement with the left leg.
  4. Do the exercise alternately performing Mahi, until you complete the required number of repetitions for each leg.

Variations: first, you can perform the required number of repetitions of one, then the other leg. To complicate the exercise, you can use the weights.

exercises for buttocks
  • Muscle group: Buttocks
  • Type of exercises: Basic
  • Additional muscles: Hip
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: None
  • Level of difficulty: Beginner

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