It becomes very festive in the garden when magnolia Kobus from the rhododendron family settles in it. The site is saturated with a tropical atmosphere and a pleasant aroma. A tree or shrub covered with large flowers and intense green foliage. Some types of magnolia are winter-hardy crops that can withstand frosts down to -30 0C.

Description magnolias Kobus

In 1794, Thunberg first studied the Kobus magnolia, a description and photo of which are presented below. In 1817, the culture finally received its current name. A deciduous tree in the wild can grow up to 25 m in height, and in a cultivated form – up to 10 m.

Magnolia Kobus: photo, description, winter hardiness

In the very first years, the Kobus magnolia has a narrow pyramidal shape, and over time it becomes round or oval. The crown of the tree is spreading, it reaches 6 m in diameter. In the northern latitudes, the culture develops in the form of a wide bush. The trunk is dark gray with small cracks, over time it acquires brownish hues.

Deciduous buds have a small silky edge with villi. The leaf plate is ovoid with a sharp apex. To the base it is a wedge. Leaf length 8-13 cm.

How magnolia Kobus blooms

Magnolia Kobus flowers are milky white in color with a pleasant aroma. They are 10 cm in diameter. Each of them has three small sepals and six petals. When opened, the flowers show purple veins and many stamens. The gynoecium contains numerous carpels.

Magnolia Kobus blooms in the Moscow region in the middle of spring, while the foliage has not yet fully blossomed, and flowering lasts about two weeks. Usually it is the end of April.

Curiously, magnolias are sensitive to the pollination process when they are in bud. When opened, they already lose this ability. Currently, Kobus magnolia is pollinated by small bugs that carry pollen with their paws over still closed buds, and not by bees and other insects. Beetles are attracted by the pleasant smell of flowers.

Magnolia Kobus: photo, description, winter hardiness

Methods of reproduction

The culture is characterized by natural renewal in the form of self-seeding. Also, lower young shoots can self-root in shrubs. Magnolia Kobus can be successfully propagated by seeds. After harvesting, they are immediately sown in the ground so that they undergo natural stratification.

Propagation by cuttings shows that they are weakly amenable to rooting. Most of the crops with an average degree of winter hardiness.

The best breeding option for Kobus magnolia is considered to be grafting layering. The plant gives good growth, begins to bear fruit early, has increased endurance. Although, this method cannot be called easy. Vaccinations are done in the spring by a lateral incision or by the application method.

Planting and caring for Magnolia Kobus

The tree feels more comfortable in regions where a warm and humid climate prevails. When placing the Kobus magnolia in the garden, you need to think in advance for it a place with comfortable conditions. It can be adversely affected by north and east winds.

Magnolia Kobus: photo, description, winter hardiness

It is desirable that there are no drafts where the Kobus magnolia grows. In the Moscow region, planting and care is the same as in other nearby regions. The place for planting magnolia Kobus is chosen sunny. Shady areas should be avoided.

Attention! Culture is not planted next to large trees, as it will develop poorly.

Recommended dates

The most favorable time for planting in open ground is autumn. Magnolia Kobus has a good survival rate at the end of October, since at this time the culture is at rest. In spring, the tree can be planted in early April.

It is worth focusing on weather conditions so that there are no frosts, otherwise they will cause irreparable harm to the culture. After all, after planting, the plant has not yet had time to fully grow stronger.

Site selection and preparation of soil

When choosing a place for magnolia Kobus, you need to consider that the tree has a well-developed root system. The diameter of the hole is equal to three volumes of the root of the seedling. It is noteworthy that young roots with a fine structure can be easily damaged. Therefore, special care must be taken when landing.

Around the trunk circle, you do not need to be zealous with tamping the earth. To prevent moisture from evaporating quickly, the hole covered with soil is sprinkled on top with planed bark of coniferous trees.

Magnolia Kobus: photo, description, winter hardiness

Before planting Kobus magnolia, you need to study the composition and acidity of the soil. For the normal development of the culture, slightly acidic soil enriched with organic and mineral fertilizer is suitable.

The composition should include turf soil – 2 parts, peat layer – 1 part, rotted compost – 1 part. Don’t forget about drainage. If the soil is dense, then it is loosened with a piece of coarse sand.

How to plant

If initially the seedling grew in a container, then when transplanting into open ground, care is required so that the Cobus magnolia is not damaged. The winter hardiness of the crop is average, so additional shelter will be required for the winter. If the root system is poorly covered, this can lead to the death of the plant.

For planting, the hole is prepared in advance, the earth lump is carefully removed from the container and placed in it in the center. It is advisable to fill the hole with a good soil mixture, which is prepared when planting the seed.

The dimensions of the pit for a half-meter magnolia seedling are: depth – 50 cm, width – 80 cm. As the seedling develops, it does not need to be replanted repeatedly, this will delay the start of flowering. It is better to give due time to the choice of a permanent place for culture. Do not forget about watering, fertilizing, mulching.

Magnolia Kobus: photo, description, winter hardiness

Growing rules

In order for the culture to develop well, it must be properly looked after. Although there are no special differences from other types of fruit trees. In magnolia Kobus, the root system is located near the surface of the earth, so you need to carefully loosen the soil. The allowable depth is up to 10-15 cm.

When the magnolia reaches the age of three, it is recommended to add mulching material under the trunk circle of the tree. Suitable manure mixed with hay, sawdust, planed coniferous bark, peat. On the one hand, mulch is a heater, and on the other, a source of nutrients.


Young seedlings of Kobus magnolia are especially in need of good watering, and adult plantings – in a dry hot summer. For the normal development of culture, it is required to water it once a week.

For one tree, when watering, 2-3 buckets of water are used. If the soil is sandy, then the amount and abundance of watering can be slightly increased. Mulching is used to retain moisture in the soil for a long time.

Magnolia Kobus: photo, description, winter hardiness

Additional fertilizing

After planting in the third year, Kobus magnolia begins to be fed with fertilizers and nutrient complexes.

  1. In early spring, the following composition can be added to the soil: a liquid mixture of mullein – 1 kg, urea in crystals – 15 g, ammonium nitrate – 25 g.
  2. In autumn, the culture is fertilized with the following composition: for 10 liters of water, nitroammophoska powder is added – 20 g.
  3. For one tree, when watering, 40 liters of liquid are consumed.

As a fertilizer, ready-made fertilizer “Kemir Universal” has proven itself well. For 10 liters of water you need to dilute 1 tbsp. l. liquid solution. You can also use specialized formulations designed for magnolias. If overdosed, the foliage may dry out.


It should be noted that Kobus magnolia has a negative attitude towards pruning. Therefore, this process should be resorted to in extremely rare cases. For example, pruning is allowed in 1-2 years of crop development to give shape and decorativeness to the seedling.

Magnolia Kobus: photo, description, winter hardiness

Attention! If you often resort to this procedure, then the tree blooms less.

Only sanitary pruning of old and damaged branches is recommended. You can thin out the crown if it is very thickened. Slices need to be treated with garden pitch.

Preparation for winter

Many types of mature Kobus magnolia trees are able to withstand frosts down to -25-30 0С in winter cold. But young bushes need to be taken care of at first. During the first three years for the winter, you need to cover the near-stem circle in order to protect the root system from the cold.

As a heater, you can use a special agricultural material – lutrasil, burlap, chopped straw, sawdust, peat or spruce branches. With the age of the culture, its winter hardiness increases.

Pests and diseases

Unlike many horticultural crops, Kobus magnolia is rarely overcome by diseases. But some species can still overshadow the joy of gardeners who are passionate about breeding this beautiful and fragrant planting. For example:

  1. On the foliage, the appearance of yellowish spotting indicates damage by chlorosis. Excessive presence of lime in the soil can lead to the death of the root system.

    Magnolia Kobus: photo, description, winter hardiness

  2. An alkaline environment is also harmful to Kobus magnolia roots. The tree may dry out.

To correct the situation, it is necessary to introduce an acidified peat layer into the soil, earth from the trunk circle of coniferous trees and other special means. They will help regulate acidity.

Magnolia Kobus: photo, description, winter hardiness

Thrips, peach aphids, and mealybugs can cause damage to an exotic culture. In the hot season, the tree can be attacked by spider and other types of mites. They feed on leaf sap.

Important! In the fight against parasites, you can use Actellik.


Magnolia Kobus is an exotic tree or shrub, distinguished by the aroma and beauty of flowers. It is better to plant it next to other types of fruit crops. In this case, it will be possible to fully experience paradise in your garden. With the joint planting of fern bushes, the ginkgo corner will take on an archaic look, where you can enjoy blooming “white bows”.

Magnolia kobus. Brief overview, description of characteristics, where to buy magnolia kobus seedlings


Svetlana, 45 years old, Perm
Today, my garden is decorated with a sapling of delicate Kobus magnolia with large foliage. In appearance, the tree is similar to my other crops, which I grew from Japanese seeds. Only the leaves and petioles are different. In the sun, the leaf plate slightly gives off a reddish tint, which makes the tree divinely beautiful. I advise everyone to have such a miracle in the garden.
Anna, 25 years old, Moscow
I always thought that Kobus magnolia would grow only in the southern regions of the country, but I was wrong. Now, with confidence, everyone can be advised to decorate their garden with this beautiful culture and not be afraid that it will freeze in winter. Flowering occurs before all trees. Very beautiful.

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