Magnolia is an ornamental, flowering plant with a tree-like or bushy crown formation. It feels good in the southern regions, the Crimea. Planting and caring for magnolia in the open field does not require special knowledge. With the right choice of placement, compliance with the rules of agricultural technology, careful preparation for the autumn-winter period, it is possible to grow and achieve its flowering in the Urals, Siberia, and central Our Country.

Magnolia: how to plant and care for in the Crimea, in Siberia, in the Urals, in the middle lane, photos in landscape design

Conditions for growing magnolia

Magnolia is a heat-loving, long-growing tree, 10-30 m high (depending on the variety and climate). It grows mainly in the southern regions, the Crimea. Its flowering occurs from early spring to mid-summer.

For planting in the conditions of central Our Country, in the Urals, Siberia, hybrid frost-resistant varieties have been bred that can withstand winter temperatures drop to -35 оC.

Growing and caring for magnolia in the open field is similar to the principles of agricultural technology for heat-loving fruit crops (pears, apricots, grapes):

  1. Spacious, well-lit areas protected from drafts and wind from the north and east sides are suitable for planting.
  2. The soil should be light, moist, but without stagnant water. Its neutral composition will be optimal.
  3. Trunk circles of young seedlings are mulched. Magnolia does not like overdried land, it begins to hurt, wither.
  4. The first 3 – 4 years after being placed on the open ground, the tree is covered for the winter with soft burlap, protected from frost, wind, and rodents.
  5. Top dressings begin to be introduced from the second year of the plant’s life. An excess of alkaline or nitrogen fertilizers slows down growth, reduces immunity, and leads to foliage and buds falling off.
  6. Magnolia does not tolerate pruning well. If necessary, the formation of the crown and sanitization is carried out in the fall, after flowering.
Important! To successfully grow flowers, you need to provide a sufficiently high level of humidity. Magnolia loves abundant watering, especially in dry, hot weather. Young seedlings are irrigated more often than mature trees.

The use of magnolia in landscape design

For landscaping a site in the Urals or in the conditions of central Our Country, it is worth choosing frost-resistant varieties of magnolia Siebold, Kobus, Sulange, Magnolia naked, Lebner, Pointed.

Hybrids withstand frosts down to -27 – 33 оC, tolerates cold, windy winters well.

Magnolia: how to plant and care for in the Crimea, in Siberia, in the Urals, in the middle lane, photos in landscape design

In open ground, magnolia is planted as a single shrub or in a designer group in the foreground or middle ground. To create a composition, it is combined with thuja, linden, viburnum, juniper, blue spruce.

Magnolia: how to plant and care for in the Crimea, in Siberia, in the Urals, in the middle lane, photos in landscape design

Magnolia looks good with any annual or perennial flowers, can decorate the entrance group, gazebo, part of the garden or park with a mini stream or waterfall.

Magnolia: how to plant and care for in the Crimea, in Siberia, in the Urals, in the middle lane, photos in landscape design

Paths are decorated with flowering trees, parks and recreation areas are decorated.

Magnolia: how to plant and care for in the Crimea, in Siberia, in the Urals, in the middle lane, photos in landscape design

What year after planting magnolia blooms

The shrub is considered slow growing. Magnolias obtained from seeds will bloom only in the 12th – 15th year of life.

Flowering of seedlings obtained by cuttings may occur in the 7th – 8th year after adaptation to open ground.

When transplanting a tree in a new place, until the magnolia is fully established, buds will not form. An adult, early-flowering plant will bloom only the next year.

Magnolia: how to plant and care for in the Crimea, in Siberia, in the Urals, in the middle lane, photos in landscape design

How to plant magnolia

Not every region is suitable for growing magnolia. An ornamental plant is sensitive to frost, temperature changes, soil conditions, light intensity, drafts.

In order for the tree to take root, overwinter safely, begin to grow and develop, you need to choose the right time and place for planting, as well as prepare the soil, taking into account the recommendations of experts.

When to Plant Magnolia

For placement in open ground, strong seedlings with a height of about 1 m with 1 – 2 viable buds are chosen. Samples with a closed root system, protected from drying out, take root better.

Gardeners note that the optimal time for planting magnolia is the end of October, when the seedling is at rest and does not give young shoots. Before frost, the tree has time to build up the root system, it is easier to tolerate harsh winter conditions.

Magnolia planting in the spring is acceptable, but it is important to choose the right time:

  1. In the southern regions, the Crimea, young shoots are brought to the site in April.
  2. In the middle lane and in the Urals, it is better to postpone transplanting a seedling to open ground until the end of May, because. chance of night frosts is high.
  3. In Siberia, magnolia is planted by the end of May – the beginning of June. But there is a risk that the tree will begin to grow actively, many young shoots will appear on it. By winter, they will not have time to stiffen and freeze.
Important! Magnolia is afraid of frost. Lowering the temperature can lead to illness or death of the seedling.

Where to plant magnolia

A good choice of the location of the tree in the garden will ensure its active growth, proper crown formation, and flowering.

Magnolia is a warm and light-loving plant that does not tolerate drafts. For planting in open ground, choose a well-lit place, protected from the wind. Young seedlings are sure to shade from the midday heat.

Magnolia: how to plant and care for in the Crimea, in Siberia, in the Urals, in the middle lane, photos in landscape design

Do not place magnolia close to other trees or shrubs. If sunlight does not come in the required amount, the magnolia will wither.

The soil should be moist, loose with a slightly acidic or neutral composition. Close proximity to groundwater is not desirable. Magnolia also does not tolerate waterlogging of the roots.

Important! Shrubs need light soil. Heavy, clay compositions are diluted with sand, peat, humus, sawdust, needles are added.

How to plant a magnolia

To place magnolia outdoors, you need to prepare a large planting hole. Its size should be at least 3 times the volume of the root system of the future tree.

When planting, a good drainage layer is organized so that excess moisture does not stagnate in the roots.

Complex fertilizers are applied in doses (no more than a handful). Their excess reduces and slows down survival.

To properly plant a magnolia in the spring, you need:

  1. Dig a recess for 1,5 – 2 spade bayonets.
  2. Lay a drainage layer 10-15 cm thick on the bottom.
  3. Sprinkle with sand.
  4. Add humus and another layer of sand.
  5. Mix peat, soddy soil and sand (4:2:1).
  6. Place the seedling in the center, straighten the roots.
  7. Cover with a fertile layer so that the root collar remains above the ground.
  8. Lightly moisten the near-stem space, cover with dry soil, mulch with peat or rotted coniferous litter.
Important! When planting, nitrogen fertilizers should not be applied. They will cause a rapid growth of green mass, the seedling will endure the winter worse.

Magnolia: how to plant and care for in the Crimea, in Siberia, in the Urals, in the middle lane, photos in landscape design

If several trees are planted on the site, the distance between them should be at least 4 – 5 m.

How to care for magnolia in the garden

A tree or shrub can give abundant flowering and a dense crown only with the right agricultural technology.

Watering Schedule

Magnolia is a moisture-loving plant that requires regular watering. Young seedlings in open ground are irrigated once a week, pouring at least 20 liters of water under one tree or bush. In hot, dry times, the soil is moistened more often – every 2 to 3 days.

The next day after watering, the near-stem circle is gently loosened. Deep digging is not desirable, as it can damage the roots, which are close to the surface of the magnolia.

What can you feed a magnolia

A flowering tree is sensitive to both deficiency and excess of nutrients. An unbalanced soil composition leads to yellowing of the leaves, stunting, rotting of the roots.

The first top dressing of magnolia is carried out 2 years after planting the plant in open ground. The nutrient mixture is applied 2 times a year: in spring (during the beginning of sap flow) and by mid-summer (after flowering). For fertilizer, a bucket of water takes 1 kg of mullein, 25 g of ammonium, 15 g of urea.

An adult large tree needs additional nutrition. To stimulate abundant flowering in early spring, you can feed the magnolia with organic compounds, and on the eve of budding, with phosphorus-potassium.

Important! Nitrogen fertilizers must be applied strictly following the dosage recommendations. They lead to alkalization of the soil, due to which the tree may die.

pruning magnolia

A flowering tree does not need to form a crown. After removing the branches, the plant adapts for a long time, gets sick, and does not tolerate winter well.

Sanitary pruning of magnolia is carried out in the fall or immediately after flowering. At the same time, dried inflorescences, damaged, dry shoots, branches growing inward and thickening the crown are removed. The places of cuts are washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, sprinkled with ash, lubricated with garden pitch.

Magnolia: how to plant and care for in the Crimea, in Siberia, in the Urals, in the middle lane, photos in landscape design

Caring for shrub magnolia when growing it in the conditions of Siberia, the Urals does not imply spring cutting even of frozen shoots. With the onset of heat, an ornamental plant begins intensive sap flow. If the bark is damaged, the buds fall off, plant growth slows down, and the risk of damage by rot, chlorosis, and scab increases.

Preparation for winter

Even frost-resistant varieties need protection from cold, wind and rodents. To do this, in early November, the lower part of the trunk up to the 2nd tier of branches is wrapped with burlap, special covering material, spruce branches.

Magnolia: how to plant and care for in the Crimea, in Siberia, in the Urals, in the middle lane, photos in landscape design

After the first frost, the trunk space of the magnolia is filled with a thick layer of mulch. If this is done earlier, mice will overwinter in sawdust or straw.

Features of growing magnolia in different regions

A flowering ornamental tree does not grow everywhere. Magnolia is capricious, freezes easily, does not tolerate drafts.

The plant takes root well and blooms in the open ground of the southern regions. In other regions, it is worth choosing frost-resistant varieties for planting, carefully monitoring watering, and covering seedlings for the winter.

In Crimea

In all southern regions of Our Country and along the Black Sea coast, a flowering tree grows under natural conditions. Low-growing hybrids (up to 10 m) are planted in parks, squares, botanical gardens.

Magnolia: how to plant and care for in the Crimea, in Siberia, in the Urals, in the middle lane, photos in landscape design

Growing magnolia in the Crimea does not require special knowledge. Mild winters and a warm, humid summer climate make it possible to plant any variety outdoors and effortlessly enjoy flowering from April to June.

There is plenty of sunshine in the region. Shaded areas near the northern or eastern wall of the building are suitable for planting.

Only young plants up to the 3rd year of life are covered for the winter. In adult, strong trees, the near-trunk space is mulched in autumn so that the surface roots do not freeze and dry out.

In Siberia

It is difficult to grow magnolia outdoors in Siberia. Frost-resistant varieties are suitable for planting: Sulange or Siebold.

Frost can destroy seedlings in the first year after they are placed on the site, so planting material should be chosen carefully. Suitable strong, tall shoots with 2 – 3 live buds. They are planted in the fall, well insulated.

Watering is stopped in September. Excess moisture will lead to freezing.

Siberian amateur gardeners often grow bush varieties in tubs. In the summer they are placed in open areas, decorate the paths of the garden, and for the winter they are brought indoors.

Magnolia: how to plant and care for in the Crimea, in Siberia, in the Urals, in the middle lane, photos in landscape design

In the Urals

The sharply continental climate of the region has a bad effect on the condition of ornamental trees. Severe winters freeze the shoots, and dry, hot summers dry out the crown.

When planting magnolia in open ground, the correct choice of site is of great importance. A wind-sheltered free space near the east side of a building or fence is best suited for placement. Buildings will shade in the summer heat, protect from drafts and keep snow in winter.

Caring for ornamental shrubs consists in abundant watering as the soil dries. To retain moisture, the near-stem space is mulched with sawdust or straw.

In autumn, both young shoots and mature trees are covered.

In the middle lane

For cultivation in the middle lane, frost-resistant hybrid varieties that can withstand low temperatures are chosen.

In open ground, magnolia is placed in sunny, wind-protected areas. The south side of the buildings is not desirable. In the spring, the buds will wake up too early, return frosts will destroy the plant.

For the winter, the tree is wrapped up to the 5th year of life. The trunk space is protected regardless of age. It is covered with a thick layer of sawdust, straw, non-woven material.

In order for the plant to overwinter better, phosphorus-potassium compounds are introduced in July-August.

When can you transplant a magnolia to another place?

The culture does not tolerate transplantation, it takes a long time to take root, it gets sick.

The procedure is best done in the spring, when the temperature is above 15 оC, and the risk of return frosts will be minimal. Experienced gardeners recommend removing swollen inflorescences so that the plant does not waste energy on them. There is no pruning this year.

If it is necessary to move the decorative tree to another place, the site is chosen so that the magnolia is no longer disturbed. It may not withstand repeated intervention in growth.

To transplant a magnolia:

  1. The shrub is watered abundantly the day before digging.
  2. A landing pit is prepared: they dig a wide depression that is 2 to 3 times larger than the earthen lump of the plant, cover the bottom with a drainage layer, sprinkle with sand, fertile soil mixture. Slightly moisturize, make a handful of organic matter.
  3. They dig up the magnolia, trying to keep the maximum amount of earth on the roots. So the plant adapts more easily.
  4. The tree is carefully transferred to a new place, set in the center of the prepared pit, sprinkled with sand and peat substrate. The root neck should remain above the soil surface.
  5. The plant is abundantly poured with water, sprinkled with mulch on top of the near-stem circle.

If magnolia transplantation in the open field was carried out in the fall, the tree and root space are insulated for the winter.

Blooming, as well as weakened, sick, damaged shrubs do not tolerate.

Pests and diseases

Proper planting and care of magnolia will provide the tree with good immunity, resistance to pests and diseases. Violation of agricultural technology, improper preparation for wintering, pruning, transplanting to another place can lead to infection with parasites, weakening, and death of the plant.

Magnolia: how to plant and care for in the Crimea, in Siberia, in the Urals, in the middle lane, photos in landscape design

Common magnolia diseases in the open field:

  • chlorosis;
  • gray mold;
  • scab;
  • sooty fungus (black);
  • powdery mildew;
  • seedling rot;
  • shoot death.

As the infection develops, the root system rots, the leaves turn pale, yellow spots appear, the crown wilts, the color crumbles. At the first sign of infection, watering is reduced, the tree or shrub is treated with fungicides, and damaged shoots are removed.

Flowering shrub is sensitive to soil composition:

  • suddenly yellowed foliage indicates an increase in soil acidity;
  • excess nitrogen fertilizing leads to freezing, death of young shoots;
  • a general overdose of fertilizers inhibits growth;
  • with a lack of watering, the foliage withers, turns yellow; overdried substrate can lead to rapid death.

Of the pests, magnolia in the open field is attacked by:

  • spider and transparent mite;
  • rose thrips;
  • peach aphid;
  • scale insects;
  • worms;
  • snails, slugs.

If harmful insects are found, the tree is sprayed with insecticides: Actellik, Aktara and similar preparations.

During the winter months, the bush suffers from mice, hares, which damage the bark under the snow. To protect against rodents, the trunks are fenced with a net, spruce branches, and a thick layer of felt.


Planting and caring for magnolia in the open field in the conditions of the Urals, Siberia, the middle lane is possible and does not require special skills and abilities. In order to achieve growth and flowering, it should be placed in a sunny, quiet area, organize high-quality watering and frost protection. With proper agricultural technology, magnolia will decorate the garden with its flowering for a long time, without fear of wilting and disease.

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