Magnezin is used as an adjunct in the treatment of arrhythmias or heart failure associated with ventricular arrhythmias. Therapeutically in muscle spasms, numbness of the limbs, muscle pain, chronic fatigue, excessive nervous excitability, sleep disorders. Prophylactically during long-term use of certain diuretics, oral contraceptives, during slimming treatments, in the event of intense exercise.

magnesia (Polfa Grodzisk)

form, dose, packaging availability category the active substance
tabl. 0,2 g (30 tabl.) S1,2OTC (over-the-counter) S1,2 magnesium (basic magnesium carbonate) (magnesium subcarbonate)
tabl. 0,5 g (30 tabl., 60 tabl.)


Mineral ingredient

Magnezin – indications and dosage

Magnezin is recommended for:


  1. to treat abnormal heart rhythms or heart failure associated with ventricular arrhythmias.


  1. in muscle cramps,
  2. numbness of the limbs,
  3. muscle pain
  4. chronic fatigue,
  5. excessive nervous excitability,
  6. sleep disorders.


  1. during long-term use of certain diuretics or oral contraceptives,
  2. during slimming treatments,
  3. in the event of intense physical exertion.

Drug dosage

Magnezin is in the form of tablets to be taken by mouth. Do not exceed the recommended dose of the preparation as it may pose a threat to your life or health.


  1. Prophylactically 600 mg / d in 3 doses. division
  2. Therapeutic – individual dosage, usually 1500 mg / d in 3 doses. division

Magnezin and contraindications

Contraindications to taking Magnezin are:

  1. allergy to any ingredient of the preparation,
  2. hypermagnesemia,
  3. severe kidney failure,
  4. atrioventricular block,
  5. myasthenia gravis,
  6. hypotonia,
  7. diarrhea,
  8. use on an empty stomach.

Magnezin – warnings

  1. Caution should be exercised in the event of renal dysfunction due to the risk of magnesium accumulation in the body and hypermagnesaemia. In patients with these conditions, it is recommended to regularly check the concentration of magnesium in the blood.
  2. Magnezin contains mannitol and may have a laxative effect.
  3. Magnezin contains sorbitol and should not be used by people diagnosed with fructose intolerance.
  4. Before taking the preparation in pregnant women or during breast-feeding, a doctor should be consulted.

Magnezin and other substances

  1. Magnezin reduces absorption and may reduce the effectiveness of: tetracyclines (e.g. doxycycline), iron preparations, fluoroquinolones (e.g. ciprofloxacin), oral anticoagulants – warfarin derivatives.
  2. The absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract may be reduced by: phosphates, high doses of calcium, excess lipids, and phytates.
  3. The elimination of magnesium in the urine is enhanced by: loop diuretics (e.g. furosemide), aminoglycoside antibiotics (e.g. gentamicin), mineralocorticosteroids, cisplatin, cycloserine, amphotericin B (antifungal drug).
  4. Intravenous calcium salts weaken the effect of magnesium, while vitamin B6 enhances its effect.

Magnezin – side effects

During the treatment with Magnezin, the following may occur:

  1. diarrhea
  2. nausea,
  3. vomiting.

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