Magnetotherapy, to help baby sleep better

Is your baby having trouble sleeping through the night? There can be many reasons for this. He may be having his teething, or he may be suffering from digestive problems. There are different ways to make it easier to sleep, including natural ones. Among them, magnetotherapy is an unconventional medicine that is based on magnetic fields and suggests using the benefits of magnets.

Magnotherapy, or magnetotherapy, a technique that uses magnetic fields

Concretely, what is magnetotherapy and what are its mechanisms? Gad Helmy, naturopath and follower of this practice, explains the main principles to us: “It is a discipline based on various studies. We use pulsed magnetic fields to treat different pathologies ”. The main idea of ​​magnetotherapy is to exploit the pulsed magnetic waves for therapeutic purposes: “There are several theories explaining that these magnetic waves, which can be found for example in microwaves, interact with the cells of the body. Our method is to use machines that propagate magnetic waves at low rates, unlike the wave of laptops or microwaves. These have therapeutic powers, in particular for cases of osteoarthritis, back pain, chronic diseases or nervous breakdown ”. Some therapists explain that electromagnetic fields activate the circulation sanguine, which would promote the supply of nutrients. To date, however, there is no no scientific proof the effectiveness of magnetotherapy.

Two types of magnets

Magnetotherapy uses two types of magnets to heal: static magnets or permanent, and pulsed magnets. The former are the most widely used in commerce and have a stable magnetic field. The latter have a varied magnetic field, and are used with a portable device to vary the frequency of the waves. The latter can also be found commercially, as well as among practitioners of this therapy.

In which cases to use magnetotherapy? What efficiency?

Magnetotherapy can have multiple uses. In particular, it can be used to help toddlers get to sleep: “Magnetotherapy is used to help relaxation. For babies who sleep poorly, especially because of spasms or teething, this therapy can be tried to help relieve their pain. She also has soothing virtues to treat minor disorders, and would have analgesic benefits, that is to say, it would calm the pain.


The technique of magnets to make baby sleep

Do you want to use magnetotherapy to facilitate your child’s sleep? You have two options: consult a magnetotherapist, or buy directly a magnet machine and use it at home. Two solutions detailed by Gad Helmy: “These machines can be found on the market. They can be positioned under the child’s mattress. “Before any use, it is very important to respect certain precautions:” You must first of all check before purchase that the product is authorized for young children. Then you have to look in the catalog which is the best frequency to use to soothe the child. This is very low, and is generally between 0 and 20 hertz. It is also possible to contact a practitioner to indicate the best frequency ”.

Once the frequency has been found, you place the child in his bed, at bedtime, with the machine positioned under the mattress: “In babies, a few minutes are enough for him to find appeasement. On some machines this may take a little longer, but not more than twenty minutes! », Specifies Gad Helmy.

It should be noted that magnetotherapy is based on theories not unanimously recognized by the scientific community. If despite this therapy, sleep disorders persist in your child, do not hesitate to turn to your pediatrician.  


Are there any dangers in magnetotherapy?

Apart from children, it should be noted that magnetotherapy is not recommended for several profiles of people: “We do not recommend its use for people with cancer, but also for pregnant women, because we do not know the effects of waves on the fetus” . On the other hand, in adults, carriers of peacemakers should not resort to magnotherapy. Apart from these specific cases, rest assured, this therapy uses waves at very low intensity, which does not make it dangerous.

In older children, can we use the magnet technique?

After a few years, your child may still have difficulty falling asleep. Can he also use magnetotherapy? ” It’s entirely possible ! The difference with infants will mainly be at the frequency to be used on the machine. Older children are more under stress, which adds something to take into account, ”says Gad Helmy.

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