Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine – what does the examination look like?

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Sedentary work and lack of physical activity are the most common causes of back pain. Unfortunately, many of us still disregard these symptoms, which ultimately results in serious diseases of the spine and the locomotor system. Meanwhile, most often an appropriate diagnosis is enough to introduce treatment. One of the tests to facilitate this is MRI of the spine. What is it and what does this study look like?

What is MRI of the spine?

Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine is a modern and very accurate imaging examination that allows you to show all parts of the spine. This means that thanks to it we can assess both the condition of bone tissue and soft tissues. Moreover, magnetic resonance imaging allows for a detailed look into the inside of the spinal cord.

The test allows you to visualize the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, the contents of the spinal canal and the spinal cord. Thanks to this, it is possible to detect abnormalities, inflammatory changes and neoplasms. Magnetic resonance imaging is often called MR, MRI, NMR, MRI or magnetic resonance imaging.

What is MRI of the spine?

Do performing an MRI of the spine the magnetic properties of atoms from which all living organisms are made are used. This test is completely painless and has no side effects. Unlike X-rays, it does not use X-rays that are harmful to the body, but only radio waves and a magnetic field.

What is the test itself? The magnetic field causes the nuclei of the atoms that make up the human body to arrange itself parallel to it. The radio waves emitted at the same time reach the tissues of the body and are reflected from them. Then they get back to the camera and computer, which presents them graphically on the screen. Check where in your city you can perform an MRI of the spine.

Indications for MRI of the spine

The most common indication for MRI of the spine is the patient’s frequent, suddenly recurring back pain, numbness in the limbs or other problems with the locomotor system. Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine is of great value, especially in diagnosis of discopathy. It allows you to accurately show the intervertebral spaces and the impact of their condition on the spinal canal, taking into account possible pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots.

  1. Read on and learn more about discopathy

Spine injuries, especially complicated ones, are also an indication for the examination spinal cord injury. In such situations, MRI is necessary before the patient is qualified for neurosurgery.

MRI of the spine is also very helpful in detecting foci of demyelination, i.e. the breakdown of myelin sheaths in the spinal cord, e.g. in multiple sclerosis. In addition, it provides important information about abnormalities in the structure of the vessels, cancerous tumors of the spinal cord, spinal canal and vertebrae, and the assessment of their extent. Sometimes, in order to better visualize and differentiate pathological changes in the spine, a contrast agent is administered before performing an MRI.

Other indications for an MRI of the spine are:

  1. intra-canal growth process,
  2. vascular changes,
  3. myelitis,
  4. spinal cord injuries,
  5. degenerative diseases of the nervous system,
  6. heart cancer
  7. difficult to diagnose neurological disorders,
  8. pylicy,
  9. pulmonary embolism,
  10. rozedmy,
  11. a tumor in the chest
  12. dementia (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease),
  13. chronic bronchitis.

Contraindications for performing MRI of the spine

Unfortunately, it is not possible to perform MRI of the spine in all patients. There are a number of contraindications that disqualify from its implementation. The most important of them include:

  1. having a pacemaker or cochlear implant;
  2. having body parts that cannot be removed during the examination, including hip replacement prostheses, plates and nail plates to stabilize fractures, valves used in the treatment of hydrocephalus, metal clips used in surgery of brain aneurysms, some heart joints, orthodontic appliances;
  3. the presence of metal filings in the patient’s body associated with injuries, gunshots, work in harmful conditions;
  4. hemorrhagic diathesis;
  5. claustrophobia

How to prepare for an MRI of the spine?

You should go to the MRI scan on an empty stomach and avoid eating food for about 8 hours before its performance. In addition, you should get rid of all metal objects and jewelry from the body. An absolute contraindication to MRI is having a fixed and metal orthodontic appliance and dental implants made of metal. You do not need to undress for the examination. It is enough to lie down comfortably on a movable table on which the examined person is slid inside the apparatus.

Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine – price

Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine – the course of the examination

Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine is used the action of magnetic fieldsthat do not irradiate the patient. Performing an MRI is possible due to the large amount of water in the human body – its molecules consist of oxygen, hydrogen and atoms. There is an electric charge in the nuclei of hydrogen atoms (protons). Placing protons in a magnetic field makes them act like a compass and align themselves along the magnetic field lines.

The nuclei of the hydrogen atom that are present in the human body are stimulated by a tomograph, i.e. a fragment of the magnetic resonance imaging apparatus that resembles a cylinder. The dominant element of this machine is a very strong electromagnet, which creates a magnetic field and magnetization. The operation of the tomograph causes the protons located in the human body to change their position for some time and emit waves that are captured by the apparatus and forwarded to the computer, where they are graphically presented on the computer screen.

During the examination, you should also get rid of metal clothing, jewelry, makeup, mobile phone and cards with a magnetic stripe. Spine MRI takes an average of 15 to 30 minutes. During the examination, the patient should not move, so as not to distort the image and make its assessment difficult. During the MRI, the patient hears a knocking sound with an intensity similar to a spinning washing machine. That is why it happens that during the examination the patient wears noise-reducing headphones.

Sometimes it is necessary to administer a contrast agent, so it is important that the patient is not allergic to it. Young children often receive a sedative prior to having an MRI of the spine to allow them to perform the test calmly and safely.

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