Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the mammary glands

Magnetic resonance imaging is one of the reliable and effective methods for studying internal organs and soft tissues, including the mammary glands. The value of diagnostics cannot be overestimated, since it is able to identify the problem at an early stage.

The basis of the diagnostic method is the principle of nuclear resonance, which allows obtaining a high-quality image of the area under study. This happens with the help of an electromagnetic field. The process itself is safe and does not imply a negative impact on the body. This study involves the use of a contrast agent, it is injected into the bloodstream. This is necessary to obtain a more accurate result.

Tomographs for the procedure are of two types: open and closed. A closed tomograph is a device that has the shape of a cylindrical tube surrounded by magnets. During the procedure, the patient must lie on a movable table, which, in turn, interacts with magnets.

An open-type tomograph is a less accurate device, as it is low-field. However, it is suitable for examination of overweight people and those people who have a fear of closed spaces.

Magnetic resonance imaging provides detailed visualization of soft tissues. Images can be viewed on the screen monitor, can be transferred to any storage medium or printed.

It is worth noting that this procedure cannot replace other research methods, such as ultrasound and mammography, but it will significantly simplify the process of detecting and examining pathological changes.

Most often, an MRI of the mammary glands is prescribed after an examination on ultrasound machines and a mammograph.

With the help of magnetic scanning, a tumor in the mammary gland can be detected in cases where other methods have been ineffective.

What diseases can be detected by MRI of the mammary glands?

After passing the diagnostics, the patient can receive the following information: tissue density, expansion of the ducts, the presence of cysts, the presence of damaged implants, the presence of enlarged lymph nodes. After a doctor has made a diagnosis of breast cancer, magnetic scanning can reveal the size of the neoplasms. Also, with its help, you can check whether there are formations in the second mammary gland and examine the lymph nodes located in the axillary zone.

Indications for the procedure

Indications for magnetic resonance imaging are:

  • examination after undergoing ultrasound and mammography, when the diagnosis is in doubt;
  • evaluation of the results of the operation after a certain period of time after the removal of the mammary gland;
  • evaluation of results after chemotherapy;
  • examination of the results of the operation for the installation of breast implants.

Preparation and procedure

Before starting the procedure, you should remove all metal jewelry, watches and other accessories. These items can significantly affect the operation of the magnet. It is worth noting that people who have pacemakers, stents and clips in their bodies cannot undergo this examination.

The study itself does not provide special warnings. On the day of the magnetic resonance imaging of the mammary glands, the patient can lead the usual daily routine, nutrition and take medications, if necessary. The doctor can give some recommendations, which may depend on the characteristics of the human body and the study.

Clothing should be comfortable and also free of metal parts. During the scan, the patient may be offered a disposable hospital gown.

The MRI procedure takes approximately 60 minutes. It is carried out in a horizontal position, the patient should lie face down on the table. The movable table has a special coil with holes for the mammary glands. This position allows you to get the most accurate image. The introduction of a contrast agent occurs after the first part of the procedure, when the table is not fully extended, the X-ray technician places a catheter in the cubital vein, while the patient continues to lie still. Immediately after the injection of a contrast agent, a second scan begins.

The patient should take a comfortable position for herself so as not to feel discomfort during the procedure. It is very important to remain still while capturing the image. To understand when this happens, you can use the sound signals of clicks and taps.

During the study, the patient is in the office alone. The radiologist at this time is in the next room, sees the patient and can communicate with her using two-way communication. It is worth noting that special headphones or ear plugs are usually provided to reduce the noise level that the scanner emits.

Magnetic resonance scanning is a painless procedure, in some cases the patient may feel discomfort or a feeling of warmth in the part of the body being examined. These sensations are normal and should not cause any concern. After the procedure is completed, no special treatment is required.

Contraindications to the procedure

If a person suffers from claustrophobia or simply has an increased sense of anxiety, you should inform the doctor in advance. In such cases, the patient may be offered a sedative.

You should also inform the doctor about a possible pregnancy. MRI for pregnant women is possible only if the benefits of the procedure outweigh the possible risks. Such a rule exists, despite the fact that during the entire existence of this procedure, there has not been a recorded case of a negative effect of the tomograph on the body of a pregnant woman or fetus.

It is also important to tell the doctor about all existing chronic diseases and surgeries. Particular attention in this matter is given to the kidneys. Patients with renal insufficiency should do a blood test and evaluate the functional state of the kidneys, since the contrast agent is excreted from the body with their help.

Explanation of results

After the end of the procedure, the patient is given a picture and a conclusion of the radiologist with a description of the result. With them, she should contact the doctor who issued her a referral for magnetic resonance imaging. This must be done in order for the appropriate treatment to be prescribed. If there was no referral and the woman decided to undergo this procedure on her own, and the results revealed violations, you should contact an oncologist or mammologist.

Magnetic resonance scanning does not cause complications, so it can be done as many times as necessary to make a diagnosis. For pregnant women, a contraindication to the examination is valid only in the first trimester.

Doctors recommend undergoing magnetic resonance imaging for women who are at risk of developing cancer: if genes that promote the growth of cancer cells are found, if there are contraindications to mammography, and also to clarify the diagnosis after ultrasound and mammography.

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