Magnetic resonance imaging examination with a helix-free operation. How does it facilitate the work of doctors?
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Magnetic resonance imaging technology is one of the basic imaging methods that is used in clinical practice in Poland every day. Thanks to the dynamic development of science and innovation, not only the quality and diagnostic reliability of medical devices are increasing, but most of all the safety of the patient and the specialist performing the test. One of the most recent examples is magnetic resonance technology with helixless operation.

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Advantages of MRI technology with helixless operation

Many clinicians face the dilemma of using helium in magnetic resonance imaging every day. There is a potential risk of it escaping into the workshop, which may happen while the magnet is being extinguished. Moreover, the resources of this element, despite its high distribution on Earth, are constantly decreasing. This, in turn, entails high budget unpredictability.

An undeniable milestone in the area of ​​imaging was the development of a MRI with a helix-less operation. One of the market-leading systems that are gradually being deployed in clinics around the world is the 1.5 Tesla Ingenia Ambition with a BlueSeal magnet from Philips. Its advantages are:

  1. using much less liquid helium than before – 7 liters vs. 1500 liters,
  2. full tightness of the system, which prevents the leakage of helium to the outside,
  3. micro cooling technology,
  4. speed – shortening the research time by up to 50%,
  5. higher spatial resolution,
  6. greater patient comfort – 40% reduction in breath holds,
  7. simplification of the installation process,
  8. increased safety of both the tested person and staff,
  9. lower operating costs.

Debunking the Myths of Helless Handling Technology

There are several harmful myths around hellless handling technology.

Myth 1: It is impossible that just 7 liters of helium could keep the resonance system running XNUMX hours a day.

Truth: Scientific studies have shown that for a smooth and 24-hour MRI system, it is sufficient to put 0,5% of the conventionally used helium in the BlueSeal magnet. However, it is important to perfectly seal the whole and introduce micro-cooling technology. This ensures high-quality scanning and reduces the potential risk of helium leakage to the outside.

Myth 2: Helium is an inexhaustible element.

Fact: This is unfortunately not true. All MRI scanners that are commonly used in clinical practice use helium to cool the magnet. As a result, this type of research consumes a significant part of the world’s resources (as much as 20%) of this element. The fact is that helium cannot be produced artificially, which has an impact on its demand and cost. The helium deficit is therefore becoming more and more noticeable, and therefore the helium-free technology may be the ideal solution in the current situation.

Myth # 3: Helium-less MRI operating technology cannot offer high power and therefore image quality.

Truth: When performing MRI with helixless operation, you can obtain an image with similar or even higher resolution than conventional scanners. This is possible thanks to the Compressed SENSE acceleration function. But this is not the end. The 1.5 Tesla Ingenia Ambition system from Philips performs 2D and 3D scanning up to 50% faster without sacrificing the quality of the obtained images of anatomical structures.

Opinions of specialists

The challenges of modern radiology include, above all, the development of a fast, safe and reliable method that allows obtaining high-quality images. Equally important is the cost of a single scan, which should be as low as possible. Helium-free MRI technology meets all of these criteria, as evidenced by the positive feedback from experts.

The Medical Director of Cardiovascular Affairs at the Miami Cardiovascular Institute, Constantino Peña, says the use of innovative helix-free technology combines the most important aspects of an effective MRI system. According to an experienced specialist, this is the direction in which one should go.

Dr. Heinzle, a radiologist from the Ambulance Service and Trauma Surgery Department at one of the Austrian institutions, believes that the patient’s safety and comfort should come first. After implementing the system with hell-free operation, he receives positive feedback from his patients regarding the comfort of lying in the scanner. Dr. Maria del Mar Travieso, the head of the Department of Radiology at San Rouge Hospital in Spain, is of a similar opinion. Moreover, it emphasizes the advantage of such a solution, which is energy saving, as well as the possibility of protecting the environment, which is related to the operation of this innovative system.

Prof. Niwa from the University of Tokyo emphasizes the importance of quick and reliable diagnostics in everyday work. He appreciates the fact that the Compressed SENSE feature allows you to choose between very high resolution scans and save time. This facilitates rapid pre-imaging of a given patient. In this way, many planned tests can be performed.

More than 120 hospitals around the world have implemented modern magnetic resonance imaging technology with helix-free operation. The facilities thus gained access to fast, reliable and safe tests for patients. The introduction of innovative solutions translates into an increase in the effectiveness of the health service, which increases public trust.

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