Magnetic field – rehabilitation, indications, treatment

Magnetic field is a state of space in which forces act on electric charges and bodies in it. A magnetic field, like an electric field, is a manifestation of an electromagnetic field. Electric charges in uniform motion are the source of the magnetic field. The magnetic field has many not fully understood properties. Some of them turned out to be helpful in medicine and rehabilitation, in the adjunctive therapy of some diseases related to pain, inflammation and edema.

What is a magnetic field and how is it formed?

The magnetic field is created by the uniform movement of electric charges. Electric charges moving in an alternating motion also create a magnetic field – then it is variable. Therefore, the flow of current under all conditions, including at home, creates a magnetic field. Interestingly, an alternating magnetic field creates an alternating electric field, which is the cause of an electromagnetic wave. Some materials, such as ferromagnetic materials (iron, cobalt, nickel and rare earth metals), also create a magnetic field around them. The exact mechanism by which the magnetic field works is currently unknown. It is known, however, that it is sourceless, that is, its lines neither begin nor end – they form closed curves. It is not something out of the ordinary and is only produced under laboratory conditions. Each conductor and circuit carrying a current creates a magnetic field around it. The magnetic field has a number of properties that have proven to be helpful in the treatment and rehabilitation processes of patients. It accelerates the regeneration of tissues, soothes pain and has anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling properties. For this reason, the low-frequency magnetic field has found application in the therapy supporting the treatment of numerous diseases. Physiotherapy uses a magnetic field of 0 to 50 Hz and low force.

What conditions is magnetic field helpful for?

The magnetic field generated by special devices is used in the treatment of ailments such as osteoporosis, degenerative joint diseases, hypertension and gynecological diseases. The magnetic field has a number of properties that have a very beneficial effect on the human body. It regenerates the structures of cell membranes, improves bone density and accelerates their growth (for example after fractures), stimulates the production of collagen, creatine and other proteins, and improves the enzymatic reaction. The magnetic field also has a beneficial effect on the pH of the body’s water and increases the concentration of water-soluble gases such as oxygen, thereby oxygenating the body. Thanks to this magnetic field mechanism, water for up to 30 hours after magnetic field treatment acts as a natural antibiotic, thanks to which the body is better able to fight inflammation. The magnetic field used in physiotherapy also accelerates the development of connective tissue and increases the rate of bone scar formation, oxygenates the tissue, relieves pain and reduces swelling caused by inflammation. The magnetic field is used in limb injuries such as fractures, dislocations, torn tendons or ligaments, ruptures of the joint capsule, and hematomas and accompanying edema. Another application of the magnetic field is the treatment of circulatory disorders in the course of atherosclerosis, hypertension and ischemic heart disease. The magnetic field is also used in the supportive therapy of stroke patients, as well as in the treatment of digestive system ailments and some skin diseases.

How is the magnetic field treatment performed and how to prepare for it?

No special preparations are required for the treatment with the use of a magnetic field. The patient may remain clothed. The only requirement is to remove metal objects such as belts with a metal buckle, watches, pendants and rings. Please turn off your mobile phone during the procedure as it may interfere with the magnetic field. The procedure with the use of a magnetic field is as follows. The patient sits down or lies down so that the diseased part of the body is within the immediate range of the magnetic field generated by the apparatus. Treatments with the use of a magnetic field are performed daily or every other day in a series of 10 treatments. One session lasts from 10 minutes to half an hour. The strength of the magnetic field and its frequency are set individually for the patient.

Contraindications to treatments with the use of a magnetic field

Pregnancy is a contraindication to magnetic field treatments. Such procedures should also not be performed in patients suffering from cancer, diabetes, tuberculosis, hyperthyroidism, gastrointestinal ulcer disease and heart disease. Contraindications to treatments with the use of a magnetic field are also acute bacterial, viral and fungal infections and an implanted pacemaker.

Complications after procedures with the use of a magnetic field and precautions

Some patients may experience insomnia, impaired concentration, and a feeling of warmth or tingling and numbness in the part of the body treated with magnetic field surgery. X-rays and irradiation with UV rays should not be performed during therapy with the use of a magnetic field.

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