Magnesium sulfate – how does it work? Application in medicine and cosmetology

Magnesium sulfate is also known as Epsom salt, English salt or bitter salt. Magnesium sulfate has many applications, both in medicine and cosmetics, and even in industry and agriculture.

What is magnesium sulfate and how does it work?

Magnesium sulfate is an inorganic chemical compound, a salt of sulfuric acid and magnesium. It has the form of quite large, white, odorless crystals. It resembles coarse-grained food salt. It dissolves well in water and gives it a salty-bitter taste. Magnesium sulfate contains magnesium, copper and sulfur. It is known as bitter salt and English salt, as well as Epsom salt. The latter name comes from the English city of Epsom, where magnesium sulfate was first obtained by evaporation in the XNUMXth century. Magnesium sulfate has many beneficial properties for health and beauty. It is intended for both external and internal use. The substances contained in magnesium sulphate have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair, they also improve the work of many organs and generally strengthen the body. The sulfur contained in this chemical compound helps detoxify the body of heavy metals and remove toxic substances from it. Magnesium contained in English salt has relaxing and regenerating properties, which has a positive effect on the work and condition of the nervous system. It soothes aching muscles and joints. Copper is great for the appearance of hair and nails. Magnesium sulfate also has softening and disinfecting properties, which makes it suitable for cleaning certain surfaces.

Medicinal properties and uses of magnesium sulfate

Magnesium sulfate has anti-inflammatory, antifungal and analgesic effects. It can be used externally or internally (orally). Applied externally in the form of baths with the addition of Epsom salts, warm compresses and hair rinses, it improves the condition of the skin, especially in the case of oily skin, prone to seborrhea and acne lesions. Magnesium sulfate used as a hair rinse will improve its appearance and help get rid of the problem of dandruff. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, a bath with magnesium sulfate will help with rheumatic pains and arthritis. Such a bath also has a relaxing effect, strengthens the body and helps in states of stress and exhaustion. Bathing in a solution of magnesium sulfate works best at bedtime. The high content of magnesium has a calming effect on the nervous system, soothes and makes it easier to fall asleep. A brine bath with the addition of magnesium sulphate will also well regenerate the body after exercise, because the microelements contained in it support the muscles and remove fatigue. The effect of micronutrients contained in magnesium sulphate lasts up to 10 hours after bathing. The sulfur contained in magnesium sulphate has a bactericidal and antifungal effect and cleanses the body of toxic heavy metals. A bath with the addition of this chemical compound will have a positive effect on the body in the case of skin inflammations, bruises, swelling and osteoarticular pain. A bath in a solution of magnesium sulfate also improves the cardiovascular system – it lowers blood pressure and supports the work of the heart. Magnesium sulfate softens callous epidermis, so it is recommended to use bathing in its solution in case of problems with calluses and hardened, cracked skin on the heels and hard cuticles at the nails. Magnesium sulfate is added to many cosmetics, especially those intended for acne-prone skin and prone to seborrhea. Shampoos with the addition of magnesium sulfate perfectly cleanse the scalp and hair. A bath with the addition of magnesium sulphate is also good when we want to lose weight, because the substances contained in this chemical compound support metabolism. It also accelerates wound healing and soothes inflammation of connective tissues, bruises and swelling. It regenerates joints and helps to get rid of the feeling of heavy legs. Magnesium prevents muscle cramps. Internally, magnesium sulfate is used in the form of an aqueous solution for stomach ailments (constipation).

Side effects of using magnesium sulfate

When taken by mouth, magnesium sulfate can cause diarrhea because it has strong laxative properties. Kidney diseases are a contraindication to the internal use of magnesium sulfate. A bath with the addition of magnesium sulfate lowers blood pressure, therefore it is not recommended for people with low blood pressure.

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