Magnesium in the human body
The human body is 99% chemical elements. Among them, magnesium is in fourth place in importance for the normal functioning of the body. What magnesium is better absorbed, what is it for, how to increase its content at home? Read about it in our article

The role and importance of magnesium for the human body

The main value of magnesium in the body is the normalization of the nervous system. But the amount of this mineral is directly reflected in almost all organ systems: cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, endocrine and reproductive. The functions of this microelement also include:

  • reduced risk of blood clots;
  • normalization of the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • regulation of blood sugar levels;
  • full formation of bones and teeth;
  • elimination of muscle spasms and tone, protection against convulsions;
  • protection from irritability, stressful conditions and anxiety.

In addition, magnesium is involved in more than three hundred enzymatic reactions of the body and is an integral part of any tissue of the human body.

Lack of magnesium

Magnesium is called the “anti-stress” mineral. Symptoms of a lack of this trace element in the body can be anxiety, irritability, insomnia, fatigue, numbness in the arms and legs.

If you experience regular mood swings, irritability, or seizures, this is the first call to get your magnesium levels checked.

Other conditions associated with magnesium deficiency include hair breakage and hair loss, memory problems, headaches and migraines, eyelid twitching, high blood pressure, tooth loss and decay.1.

Excess magnesium

An excess of magnesium in the body is called hypermagnesemia. With it, there is a decrease in blood pressure, impaired coordination, muscle weakness, dry mouth and dehydration, diarrhea and vomiting. This pathology is rare, but it cannot be ignored, because without timely treatment, all of the above symptoms will only get worse. In addition, the risk of heart failure and oxygen starvation is high.

What foods contain magnesium

The leader in magnesium content is sesame. This product is saturated with other trace elements and fats, so this rare guest on our table should be given more attention.

Where else is magnesium found?

  • Wheat bran, sunflower seeds, oatmeal and dark chocolate have a good supply of magnesium;
  • Fruit and vegetable lovers will benefit from avocados, bananas, lemons and apples;
  • A sufficiently high content of this mineral is noted in berries such as blackberries, raspberries and strawberries.
Название продуктаMagnesium content in 100 gPercentage of daily requirement
Sesame540 mg135%
Wheat bran448 mg112%
Sunflower seeds (seeds)317 mg79%
Cashew270 mg68%
Buckwheat (grain)258 mg65%
Pine nut251 mg63%
Buckwheat flour251 mg63%
Oat bran235 mg59%
Almonds234 mg59%
Soy (grain)226 mg57%
Buckwheat (kernel)200 mg50%
Peanut182 mg46%
Halva Sunflower178 mg45%
Sea kale170 mg43%
Powdered non-fat milk160 mg40%
Funduk160 mg40%
Buckwheat (prodel)150 mg38%
Barley (grain)150 mg38%
Powdered milk 15%139 mg35%
Oats (grain)135 mg34%
Bitter chocolate133 mg33%

Popular questions and answers

Magnesium is called one of the favorite minerals of neurologists, so we asked our expert a few questions, neurologist Anastasia Orlova.

Why does a woman need magnesium?

Magnesium is of great importance in obstetrics and gynecology. This trace element in the form of magnesium sulfate is often used in the treatment of preeclampsia and eclampsia, as well as in the fight against preterm labor.


In pregnant women, the need for this mineral increases by 2-4 times. With magnesium deficiency, a pathological course of pregnancy is possible, a woman may experience leg cramps, apathy and increased uterine tone, which can threaten miscarriage or premature birth.


What other manifestations can indicate a magnesium deficiency in a woman’s body:

• painful menstruation, pronounced premenstrual syndrome;

• the appearance of wrinkles, deterioration of hair and nails;

• swelling and overweight.


Women’s magnesium levels drop when taking oral contraceptives2.

Why does the body need magnesium?

Deficiency of this mineral in the body of a man leads to a decrease in the sex hormone testosterone. And this, in turn, leads to an increase in body weight, increased fatigue and irritability, as well as a decrease in libido.

When should men consider magnesium supplementation?

• if a man consumes a large amount of tea, coffee and carbonated drinks. These drinks remove magnesium from the body.

• under stress. This point applies not only to the strong half, but also to the weaker sex.

• with frequent use of alcohol, pastries and sweets. It is worth noting that it is this item that prevents most vitamins and minerals from being retained in the human body..

Which magnesium is best absorbed in the body?

Mg is prescribed by neurologists or therapists in the form of magnesium sulfate for various pathologies. The drug magnesium sulfate, or, as patients call it, magnesia, is almost unique in its indications. And its effects can vary depending on the type of intake. Intravenously – to reduce pressure, as an anticonvulsant, as a diuretic, and even as a sleeping pill and sedative. When taken orally, it mainly has a laxative effect.


But magnesium sulfate is not used to compensate for the deficiency, since when taken orally, it is not absorbed in the intestines, but is used intravenously only in acute situations (hypomagnesemia).


With a lack of magnesium, it is best absorbed in the form of lactate, citrate and orotate.3.


  1. A. S. Kadykov, S. N. Busheneva Magnesium through the eyes of a neurologist.
  2. T. Yu. Pestrikova, E. A. Yurasova. The biological role of magnesium deficiency in homeostasis disorders in women.
  3. O. A. Gromova, I. Yu. Torshin. About some roles of potassium and magnesium in therapeutic practice.

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