Magnesium in foods with the most magnesium

Magnesium in foods with the most magnesium

The value of this trace element can hardly be overestimated. He is responsible for literally everything: from the work of the heart to mental balance. The body needs a lot of magnesium, and we almost always lack it. Therefore, you need to properly compose your diet.

In medicine, magnesium is known as a powerful anti-stress agent that helps fight fatigue, overwork and depression. Normally, our body contains about 25 grams of magnesium. This light metal participates in 360 metabolic processes, on which the state of the psyche, the health of the heart and blood vessels, the thyroid gland and other vital systems of the body directly depend.

  • protects bones… Without magnesium, calcium is not assimilated – the main builder of bone tissue. By itself, calcium accumulates in the joints, and as a result, a very serious disease develops – osteoporosis.

  • saves from diabetes… Magnesium controls blood glucose levels to help fight sugar spikes. Moreover, it speeds up the metabolism.

  • essential for the heart and blood vessels… Doctors say that a daily intake of magnesium lowers the risk of stroke by several times. Without this trace element, normal work of the heart and blood vessels is impossible.

  • preserves youth. Collagen synthesis decreases with age, and if there is not enough magnesium, the decrease is many times faster. As a result, the skin becomes less elastic, loses its density, and wrinkles appear.

In addition, magnesium improves immunity, saves from insomnia, headaches, eases PMS and menopause, and reduces irritability. Magnesium salts not only increase stress resistance and normalize the functioning of all organs, but also inhibit the development of malignant neoplasms.

The daily dose of magnesium required for an adult is 500 mg. A lot! But not all food products can provide the human body with such an amount of a useful element.

To get rid of the deficiency of the substance, include in the diet foods that contain the most magnesium. Focus on the indicator of a trace element in milligrams per 100 g of product:

  • wheat bran contain a record amount of magnesium – 590;

  • cocoa powder – 440;

  • walnuts and pine nuts, cashews, pumpkin, flax, sunflower and sesame seeds – up to 270;

  • buckwheat, legumes cultures including soy – up to 250;

  • sprouted wheat grains – up to 250;

  • bitter chocolate – up to 200;

  • oat flakes, barley grits и brown rice – up to 150;

  • spinach и Sea kale – up to 100;

  • dairy – up to 100;

  • mineral water with magnesium salts – up to 950.

If we talk about which foods contain the most magnesium, then you need to take into account greens, fruits and vegetables. Fresh fruits of green and orange flowers boast a high content of the element.

To make up for the lack of magnesium and ensure its optimal absorption, take another element – calcium. You can buy its preparations at the pharmacy or eat more dairy products, leafy vegetables, seeds, chicken eggs and seafood.

Magnesium deficiency can harm the entire body, because without the participation of the element, not only the nervous system suffers, but many vital processes slow down. Avoiding the lack of a substance is possible only if the food is complete and regular.

By the way

The champion in magnesium content is seawater. More than half of the total volume of this microelement, which goes on sale in the form of dietary supplements, is extracted from it. Therefore, if you can afford at least a walk by the sea, be sure to do it! First, the breathe in the salty air, in which there is a lot of iodine – its importance for the body should not be underestimated either. Secondly, magnesium is quite capable of being absorbed through the skin. Soaking your hands in salt water is good. Thirdly, walking along the shore is comparable to exercising on a stationary bike, which is also only for the good. Fourthly, calm your nerves: looking at the sea, listening to the rustle of the waves is a process similar to meditation.

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  1. Capsule ஆக எடுக்க முடியுமா மெக்னீசியம்

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