Magnesium excess – causes, symptoms

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Magnesium is a very important element for our body. Responsible for the proper transmission and functioning of signals in the nervous system, but not only. Very often, however, magnesium supplementation is required for various reasons. Before we reach for supplements, it is worth asking for a doctor’s consultation.

  1. Magnesium is one of the elements that play an essential role in the body
  2. It is not only responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system, but also is a building component of bone tissue
  3. The proper level of magnesium also helps to maintain proper arterial pressure (it is recommended for people with heart diseases).

This element also takes part in the work of the immune system. Doctors believe that magnesium reduces the risk of developing asthma. It is responsible for the correct synthesis of proteins, as well as for the blood clotting process. Like any supplement, it should be used as recommended, because the deficiency and excess of magnesium can have a negative effect on the body’s work.

Magnesium excess – causes

Too much magnesium is also known as hypermagnesaemia, and it is a condition that occurs much less frequently than deficiency. Magnesium should be used in situations where it may “lose” this element. Contribute to this:

  1. stressful lifestyle
  2. consuming too much coffee and tea
  3. pregnancy

It is very important to find out the correct dose to take. Your doctor should do blood tests to determine this at the beginning.

Excess magnesium is very rare, of course, it is caused by taking too much medication or supplements, but too much magnesium can also be associated with hypothyroidism, kidney failure or cancer. An excess of magnesium also occurs when psychotropic drugs are taken. Hypermagnesaemia occurs in infants and older children who consume too much dairy products that contain magnesium.

Magnesium excess – symptoms

The symptoms of an excess of magnesium may vary and may vary in intensity. In such a situation, it is important how much the doses of the element have been exceeded. What is the normal level of magnesium in the blood? It should not exceed 0,6 mmol / l, if the result is higher than 1,2 mmol / l, then we can talk about hypermagnesaemia. An excess of magnesium in the initial phase does not cause symptoms that can alarm you, only with a higher result the body begins to send signals. What symptoms can excess magnesium cause?

  1. urinary incontinence
  2. hypotension
  3. trouble breathing
  4. dizziness
  5. nausea
  6. vomiting
  7. stomach pain
  8. general weakness
  9. constipation
  10. lowering the level of calcium in the blood
  11. heart arrhythmia
  12. cardiac arrest
  13. coma

Check your magnesium level, use the test package to check the level of vitamins and minerals in the body. Available on Medonet Market.

Magnesium overdose most often occurs when people take antacids, laxatives, medications for stomach ulcers, and additionally take supplements containing this element. If there is no such need and we follow a proper diet, do not take an additional dose of magnesium. What products contain this element?

  1. buckwheat
  2. Kakao
  3. dark chocolate
  4. pumpkin seeds
  5. spinach
  6. molasses
  7. an avocado
  8. Italian nuts
  9. banany
  10. lentil
  11. oat bran
  12. broad bean
  13. Brown rice
  14. almonds
  15. chickpeas
  16. cashew nuts
  17. kale
  18. rukola
  19. parsley
  20. whole grain flour
  21. dill
  22. white beans

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