Magnesium deficiency in women
The female body is an amazing tool with a difficult emotional setting. If it gives an inaccurate sound in terms of health, then there is a reason to check for sufficient presence of the calmness vitamin – magnesium.

It is well known that magnesium is a universal mineral, with the help of which vital processes occur in any organism. The full development of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory systems is not complete without this element. The presence of magnesium has a positive effect on the course of metabolic processes, the formation of bone tissue, and the removal of toxins from the body. It is thanks to him that energy circulates in all organs. And his most important mission, in addition to all the listed duties, is that only this microelement is an effective antidepressant. So it turns out that in general, magnesium works in a multitasking format – it contributes to the normal course of more than 300 chemical reactions.

At the same time, according to the observations of experts, the female body needs an average of 310 mg of magnesium per day. Girls 14-18 years old – 350 mg, aged 19-30 years old – 310 mg, over 30 years old – 340 mg, pregnant and lactating women – 430 mg. Otherwise, there is a deficit that must be filled in the right ways.

Causes of magnesium deficiency in women

It is noticed that the lack of magnesium in the female body occurs for a number of reasons. It all depends on the circumstances affecting women’s health. The categories prone to hypomagnesemia include the following categories:

  • pregnant and lactating;
  • sportswomen with high physical loads;
  • living and working in regular stressful situations;
  • abusers of nicotine and alcohol;
  • patients with problems of the cardiovascular system, endocrine disorders and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • using contraceptives, antibiotics and other medicines.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency in women

The following symptoms indicate that a woman has a magnesium deficiency in her body:

  • sleep disturbance (prolonged insomnia, “constantly awake brain” and night walking syndromes);
  • muscle spasms (eye twitching, limb tremors, convulsions);
  • accumulating fatigue and unwillingness to lead an active lifestyle;
  • lung ventilation syndrome, in which you want to take frequent and deep breaths (in case of anxiety and panic attacks);
  • migraine, constipation, problems with blood pressure, “ringing in the ears”, overeating and others.

Competent specialists help to identify the lack of magnesium. Usually, after contacting the clinic, laboratory tests are prescribed. Blood is given, after which the doctor can already determine whether you have hypomagnesemia. If it is found that the concentration of the element in the blood plasma is below 0,7 mmol / liter, the diagnosis is the same. It is also worth considering that the level of trace elements such as magnesium can vary greatly in the blood depending on the fluid and food consumed.

Effective Treatments for Magnesium Deficiency in Women

When a magnesium deficiency is detected, women are prescribed, as a rule, a monthly course of treatment. After all, magnesium is not synthesized in the body, it must always come from outside.

If pronounced problems of a spasmodic nature (nervous tic, convulsions) and insomnia are found, as well as with increased fatigue and loss of strength, various drugs and dietary supplements containing magnesium are prescribed.

For constipation and symptoms of an irritable stomach, it is recommended to consume more mineral water saturated with magnesium.

Particular attention should be paid to heart disease. It is magnesium in this case that is a panacea and contributes to the rehabilitation therapy of the cardiovascular system. For emergency lowering blood pressure, time-tested magnesia is used.

At the moment, the pharmaceutical line offers a fairly large selection of magnesium-containing drugs. Do not forget that only specialists will determine the diagnosis and orient you in the right direction when choosing medicines and supplements.


As you know, one vitamin is good, but several are better. Therefore, women with hypomagnesemia are prescribed complex vitamin therapy.

According to experts, magnesium’s best friends are vitamins B6 and E, which contribute to its better absorption in the body. Vitamins C and D also enhance its magical properties. Their use will always only benefit, because the normalization of magnesium levels protects the female body from infectious diseases and makes the nervous system strong and invulnerable.


Magnesium can also be replenished through a properly selected diet. Where is this miracle vitamin hiding? High-level magnesium-containing foods include the following:

  • buckwheat porridge,
  • rye and bran bread,
  • pumpkin and sunflower seeds,
  • nuts (forest, peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews),
  • seaweed,
  • cocoa and dark chocolate.  

These products are sure to come in handy. But the use of coffee, fatty and sweet foods, fast food, soda and alcohol will have the opposite effect. Therefore, the diet should focus on healthy eating.

Consequences of magnesium deficiency in women

The female body most often “signals a lack of magnesium with increased irritability, painful menstruation, insomnia, dental and cardiovascular problems. At best, a magnesium deficiency can lower immunity and knock you down with a seasonal cold, at worst, lead to a heart attack or complications during pregnancy. Protracted depressive states will also not please others who are waiting for your activity. Therefore, at the slightest sign of magnesium deficiency, it is necessary to nourish the body, and at critical moments, count on the support of doctors.

Prevention of magnesium deficiency in women at home

Naturally, any disease is better to prevent. As preventive measures, experts recommend that women adhere to the universal rules:

  • sleep at least 9 hours a day;
  • exercise and be outdoors for more than 2 hours a day;
  • diet and drink more magnesium-rich water;
  • take a vitamin course twice a year.

Popular questions and answers

Answers Igor Makar, neurologist of the highest category.

Which doctor should I contact for signs of magnesium deficiency?

Hypomagnesemia manifests itself in different ways. In case of increased anxiety, sleep disturbances, headaches, memory impairment and other deviations of the nervous system, the road to a neurologist. Depending on the symptoms that appear and the degree of magnesium deficiency, the choice, as a rule, falls on other narrow specialists. A gastroenterologist will help with sudden weight loss or overeating, leading to obesity. With arrhythmia, tachycardia, chest pain and high blood pressure, a cardiologist will help. In any clinic, they will guide you on what to treat and with whom.

How is magnesium deficiency diagnosed?

The main criterion on which the diagnosis is based is laboratory tests. If magnesium is less than 0,7 mmol / l in the blood test, the deficiency is obvious. And there will be plenty of other signals. Magnesium is an element of life, its activator. Without it, the brain does not receive signals, muscles lose their endurance, the emotional background becomes unstable, and a loss of energy is evident. The female body should receive enough magnesium at any age. Take care of your health, take care of yourself and your loved ones!

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