Who said that summer ends on the last day of August? You can keep a sunny mood in the fall, the main thing is to outline the right plan of action. We offer you a program for September that will prolong the feeling of vacation and noticeably transform the usual everyday life.
04.09. Bake a charlotte! What could be tastier than an autumn charlotte made from country apples! Early in the morning, go to the market for Antonovka and bake a pie for breakfast. Surprise your pets!
06.09. Health Day To stay fit and look good, you just need to arrange health days from time to time! Today we give preference to foods enriched with magnesium * (broccoli, nuts, fresh vegetables, herbs, fish). * Magnesium is the basis of women’s health. It activates over 350 different biochemical reactions necessary for the body to function properly. By supplementing your diet with the intake of Magne B6 *, you will receive the optimal amount of this mineral every day, and vitamin B6 will improve its absorption and fill you with energy.
09.09. Meeting with friends Warm September is the time to meet with friends. Go shopping together and get a handbag or bright scarf to complement your new shoes! Celebrate shopping at your favorite restaurant.
18.09. Take your family to explore the history of your hometown. Choose interesting objects, mark them on the map, plan your route in advance. A picnic is a must on the program!
21.09. Take a walk in the park Have you dreamed of mastering a camera for a long time? Autumn leaf fall is a great reason to arrange a master class on shooting maple leaves. And be sure to take some family portraits!
30.09. My day! Dedicate this day exclusively to yourself! Do what you have dreamed of for a long time, for example, go to the dolphinarium to swim with dolphins. New experiences will help you relax at the end of the month.
By their nature, women are more emotional and susceptible to the manifestations of the surrounding reality than men, and this is largely due to a magnesium deficiency. We do not always manage to maintain a correct diet rich in this mineral, and our body needs it so much, especially in autumn. To feel at your best every day in September, start taking the original French drug “Magne V6”.
Add to the calendar what you wanted to do for a long time, and get started! And “Magne B6” will support your physical and emotional state, filling you with strength for the autumn season.