Magne B6 Forte for Women’s Health

Do you want to always stay young, beautiful and healthy? Are you making a lot of effort for this, but not too happy with the result? By the way, the reason may be a lack of magnesium: with its deficiency, you can only dream about beauty and health.

It would seem that the body of an average woman contains only about 25 grams of this amazing element. However, they have a truly magical effect on every cell of the body, playing a key role in energy metabolism and taking part in more than 300 biochemical processes in the body.

Where it is thin, there it is torn

The sphere of women’s health especially suffers from magnesium deficiency, because the regularity of the menstrual cycle, ovulation, conception and the normal course of pregnancy depend on this element. And magnesium deficiency negatively affects the appearance. Unhealthy pallor, swelling, premature wrinkles can prevent the man of your dreams from seeing your amazing soul and realizing that you and him are just made for each other.

Magnesium it is vital for the normal functioning of the nervous system, therefore, its lack is clearly manifested by emotional problems. A woman often does not understand herself why she became hot-tempered and irritable, ruined her relationship with her beloved and quarreled with her work colleagues. And the reason is that in her body, suffering from a magnesium deficiency, the conduction of nerve impulses was disrupted. Hence the emotional breakdowns and the inability to stop in time, even when you clearly understand that you are wrong.

Read on: How is it that we are so sorely lacking in magnesium?

Magnesium is also vital for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Why is it that we are so badly lacking in magnesium? After all, nature assumed that its stock could be easily replenished with the help of products. But ask yourself honestly, are you willing to regularly include magnesium-rich wheatgrass and bran in your diet? Do you often have greens on your table? Can you afford to regularly feast on takhin halva without prejudice to your figure? True, even those who try to follow the precepts of healthy eating may still experience magnesium deficiencybecause many products that originally contain this element lose it during industrial processing. This is the flip side of modern technology that makes our life so convenient. That is why experts attribute magnesium deficiency to a disease of civilization.

By the way, trying to cheer up in the morning with a cup of strong coffee and a cigarette, and in the evening to calm down with a glass of your favorite cocktail, we accelerate the removal of magnesium from the body and thereby further increase its lack. Many common medications contribute to this – diuretics, antibiotics, some oral contraceptives. Chronic stress completes the vicious circle: on the one hand, it contributes to the loss of magnesium, and on the other hand, when there is a lack of magnesium, it increases even more.

Read on: What can help you cope with magnesium deficiency?

The French drug Magne B6 helps to effectively cope with magnesium deficiency

It is unlikely that there will be women who, in an attempt to replenish the magnesium reserve in the body, decisively abandon civilized life, begin to grow greens with their own hands and switch to treatment exclusively with traditional medicine. Yes, there is no need for this today, because modern medicine has at its disposal drugs that can make up for the lack of magnesium.

A French drug helps to effectively cope with magnesium deficiency Magne B6… It contains not only magnesium in the form of an easily digestible organic salt, but also vitamin B6, which has a regulating effect on the nervous system. This combination is recognized as the most optimal and physiological for humans, since a lack of magnesium is usually accompanied by a deficiency of B6. In addition, the vitamin promotes the absorption of magnesium in the intestines and transports it into the cells, which significantly enhances the effect of both components. Magne B6 is available both in tablets and in ampoules with a pleasant vanilla taste, so you can choose the form of the drug that will be more convenient to take.

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