Magic ring or the secret of the emerald ring

Greetings, story lovers! Today for you is a real story “The magic ring or the secret of the emerald ring.” I hope you find it interesting to know about this secret …

Real life story

Usually women diligently hide their jewelry in boxes, putting them on only on holidays, but my friend Veronica’s grandmother, on the contrary, never parted with her beloved ring. It was a sumptuous old-cut ring and a bright emerald in a frame of small iridescent diamonds.

It was clear to everyone that it was very valuable to her. Vera Andreevna did not take it off, day or night. She looked very unusual in a dressing gown, her gray hair gathered in a bun and a bright green emerald on her finger.

In this form, she resembled an impoverished queen, who did not want to part with the last symbol of her origin.

In our memory with Nika, the old woman has never taken off this ring in her life. She even wore it when cleaning the apartment. By the way, Veronica’s grandfather slightly laughed at his wife about this. Grandmother married him already being the owner of a luxurious ring, and grandfather knew perfectly well how dear this thing was to her.

Laughing, he told my friend and me that his wife even digs in the garden without removing the precious ring. Households many times warned an elderly woman that it could slip off her finger and fall into the grass, you will not find it later!

Or, even worse, the stone will jump out of the frame: then no money can buy the same, they say, there are no decent emeralds in our time. But it was all in vain. Vera Andreevna answered: “Don’t worry, it won’t go anywhere from me. He will be removed from me only when I die! ” I remember how my friend and I begged for this ring from her.

– Well, baaa, let me see the ring! We will not take it out into the street neatly, within the apartment, – the granddaughter whined pitifully.

– No, my dears. It is not removed. You can watch as long as you like on your hand.

Once Nika asked where this jewel came from, the old woman answered shortly: “I inherited it from my grandmother. I’m going to die, I’ll tell you. ”


When my friend got older, her mother, in great secrecy, told her that Vera Andreevna’s grandmother, that is, Nika’s great-great-grandmother, was a strong witch. Of course, Nika did not keep a secret, she immediately stuck to her grandmother: tell and tell about your witch-grandmother!

It turned out that people from all over, then tsarist, Russia came to Vera Andreevna’s grandmother. She did not refuse anyone. She stopped receiving visitors when she was completely ill.

Vera Andreevna was still very young at that time. Her mother died early – the girl was barely 8 years old, her father grieved a little, and then got married.

The new wife bore him a son. So little Vera was taken up by her grandmother – Agafya Petrovna.

Dying, she gave the ring to her beloved and only granddaughter with the words: “Put on this ring as soon as possible and never take it off. It will protect you from any troubles. Consider that from this moment the ring is your talisman. These are my eyes watching you … “

– Did she say anything about your future fate? – did not appease the curious granddaughter.

– Well, yes, I spoke a little … She said that I would live a long time, I would marry a guy from the capital. I will give birth to my daughter. And so it happened. She even said a few words about you, – she mysteriously looked at her granddaughter.

– Seriously?! So what? What she said? – Nika’s eyes lit up.

“She said you’d be a very good surgeon. And so that I can give you the ring. It is for you, not for your mother. Why exactly so, I do not know …

New mistress

When Vera Andreevna fell ill, she was already 98 years old. It came as a shock to everyone. She never got sick, and she looked much younger than her years. Always friendly, nimble, with a kind smile …

It was extremely unusual for everyone to see her in a hospital bed. Of course, in the hospital she lay in full dress – in a chic cream-colored blouse, with a necklace around her neck, with a ring on her finger. Against the background of white sheets, it seemed even brighter, but shone with some kind of sad light …

Passing the ring to Nika, Vera Andreevna said: “Well, now it’s your turn to put on this magic ring and keep the memory of our family. All women in our family are a bit of a witch. You, of course, never thought about it. But soon it will appear. You just have to put this ring on your finger … “

But Nika did not listen to her. Rather, she listened, but did not hear. There was only one thought in her head: “If the grandmother took off the ring, this is the end…”. Vera Andreevna died the next day. Nika cried like a baby, although she was already deep in her 30s.

The magical properties of the ring

Since then, she has been wearing this magical ring. And you know, she began to show some abilities. Once she saved her daughter from imminent death, thanks to a premonition (let’s call it that). Here’s what happened.

The daughter went to the dacha and was going to stay there with an overnight stay. In the evening, Nika called her – she does not pick up the phone. “Okay, I’ll call you later, maybe I forgot my phone in the car,” the woman thought.

At this very moment, the emerald seemed to blaze with a bright light. Nika carefully looked at the stone: small lights flickered in it, like coals in a distant fire. The woman was scared. I’m scared for my daughter. She dialed a neighbor in the country and asked her to go and see how Marina was there.

The neighbor went to Nicky’s summer cottage. Not finding anyone on the site, I looked into the house. Marina slept on the couch by the stove, in which coals were smoldering from burnt wood.

The room was filled with acrid smoke. It is strange that Marina did not smell the burning. Had the neighbor been late for a few more minutes, the girl would not have been pumped out. There were a great many such stories in Veronica’s life, this is just one of them.

Nika recently became a grandmother. And now she is looking closely at her granddaughter Anna, because she will get their family heirloom – the magic ring. And she increasingly asks the question of how she will use it – for good or as an ordinary decoration?

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