magic cleaning: how to clean an apartment: getting rid of trash

Step 1. Choose a category

Do you start cleaning from one room, then move on to another, to the kitchen and beyond? If so, you are making a fatal mistake. You need to put things in order not by location, but by category of things. Most people store the same items in different places, for example, cosmetics – they are in the room and in the bathroom, and it turns out that you go through it twice. To avoid going around in circles, make a cleaning plan. Start with clothes, then move on to papers, things from the “miscellaneous” category, and then to sentimental items. The latter should be left for later because they are the most difficult to part with, and when it comes to an end, it becomes easier to make decisions.

Step 2. Sorting the clothes

Divide all clothes into several subcategories: tops (shirts, sweaters, hoodies), underwear (trousers, jeans, skirts, shorts), things that need to be hung on a hanger (jackets, jackets), socks, underwear, handbags, additional items (scarves, belts, hats), special equipment (sportswear, swimwear), shoes. In each pile, collect all the objects of this type available at home, this is the only way you will appreciate the entire assortment. And then start cleaning your wardrobe from all that is superfluous and lying around. Take each sweater in your hands, touch and ask yourself the question: “Does it make me happy?” If not, do not hesitate, throw it away. It is best to start cleaning the closet with things that are out of season, because if you put on a jacket yesterday, your hand will not rise to throw it away, it just recently warmed you!

Step 3. Learn to add

There are two storage methods for clothes – hanging on a hanger or folding and storing in boxes. The first method is not able to compete with the second in terms of space saving. When folded, you can fit 20 to 40 items in the same area where 10 items were hanging. The secret of the method is to store everything upright, and not in a recumbent position, but for this, clothes need to be made compact. Some people believe that the number of folds leads to more wrinkles on the fabric, this is not the case, pressure spoils things, that is, when they are in a pile. Your goal is to fold each item into a simple, smooth rectangle. First, fold each side of the sweatshirt towards the center and fold in the sleeves to create a rectangular shape. Next, pick up one side of the rectangle and move it so that it matches the other side. Then fold again in half, three times. The number of “accordions” should be calculated so that the folded item, placed on the edge, does not exceed the height of the box.

Step 4. Putting the documents in order

There are several places in the house where papers tend to snowball. Letters demanding a response, questionnaires, newspapers, bills, all this is lying around in different corners and creates a mess. Keep these documents in a vertical organizer in one place. With insurance policies, instructions and warranty coupons, you need to do differently – put it in one transparent folder without any sorting. They rarely come in handy, so you shouldn’t waste time unfolding them. Store clippings from newspapers, recipes from magazines in a folder with files in the manner of book pages, so that it is always convenient for you to use them. In total, for all the papers you need only three folders.

Step 5. Settling in places

The items that accompany us every day – tubes of paste, gadgets, electrical appliances, each should live in their place. Only in this way will order reign. They also tend to wander around the house, so cleaning them should be done according to the same principle as clothes. First sort by categories: CD and DVD, skin care products, cosmetics, accessories, valuables (passports, credit cards), gadgets and electrical goods, household items (threads, needles, stationery), household supplies (medicines, napkins, household chemistry), kitchen goods and food supplies. And then pick one pile, grab each item, ask yourself if you want to see it again, and if so, set aside its rightful place for it and your familymates. Having your own corner of stationery, beads or combs multiplies the chances that your space will not be cluttered again. But only on condition that after use you will put the thing in place.

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