Maggi egg diet

The Maggi Diet is a weight loss technique based on eating eggs. The diet bears the name of its developer. Weight loss occurs due to the launch of a number of biochemical processes in the body that occur when eating a significant amount of protein.

Maggi Egg Diet Principles

Maggi egg diet

The following principles of the Maggi diet can be distinguished:

  • Water during the diet can be drunk in unlimited quantities. And this rule applies even to diet drinks with gases.

  • It is allowed to drink coffee and tea, but adding sugar and milk to drinks is prohibited.

  • Fats are not included in the menu.

  • Soups can be prepared from vegetables, but they are boiled in water, and not in meat broth. It is allowed to eat onions, garlic and various spices.

  • If you are tormented by the feeling of hunger, then it is allowed to have a bite of cucumber, fresh vegetable salad, carrots. However, the snack should take place no earlier than 2 hours after the main meal.

  • It is impossible to swap the main meals.

  • During the diet, you need to adhere to an active lifestyle, but pronounced physical activity is unacceptable.

  • Every morning, before breakfast, you need to get on the scales, you should first visit the toilet.

  • If for any reason the diet was disrupted, then it must be resumed from the first day.

  • If, after completing the diet, it was decided to repeat it, then you need to start from the first stage, and then move on to stage 4.

  • Taking vitamin and mineral complexes during the process of losing weight is not a prerequisite.

  • The diet can be practiced at almost any age.

  • Products from the list of allowed can be consumed in any quantity, provided that there is no restriction.

How much can you lose weight on the maggi egg diet? For 14 days on the Maggi diet, you can lose 10-15 kg of excess weight. If you need a more impressive plumb line, then you should extend the diet up to a month.

Prohibited and permitted products

Maggi egg diet

Foods that are forbidden to eat:

  • Bananas fresh and dried.

  • Dates.

  • Grapes, regardless of their variety.

  • Figs.

  • Mango.

  • Vegetable oil.

  • Confectionery.

  • Sugar.

  • Sauces

  • Alcoholic drinks, energy drinks.

  • Broths based on fish and meat.

  • During the diet, it is forbidden to smoke both regular and electronic cigarettes.

Foods that can be eaten:

  • Eggs.

  • Low calorie cottage cheese.

  • Meat.

  • Citrus.

  • Watermelons and melons.

  • Peaches, apricots, nectarines.

  • Apples.

  • Legumes, namely: beans and fresh green peas.

  • Carrots, eggplant.

  • Cucumbers.

  • Lettuce leaves.

  • Squash.

  • Sparkling water.

  • Low fat cheese.

Menu for 4 weeks of the Maggi egg diet

Diets should be strictly adhered to, since the processes of losing weight will be launched only if certain foods are present on the menu.

First week:







Every morning you need to eat 1-2 eggs and 1/2 grapefruit or orange

Any fruit in unlimited quantities

Any low-fat boiled meat (alternatively, it can be grilled)


Boiled chicken meat without skin

Greek salad with carrots and lettuce, two boiled eggs, orange, toast


Greek salad with carrots and lettuce, two boiled eggs, orange, toast

Any low-fat boiled meat


Any fruit in any quantity


Low-fat, low-salt cheese, tomato, toast


Any fruit in any quantity


Chicken fillet, steamed vegetables, grapefruit and tomato

Lunch type dinner

Second week:






Every morning you need to eat 1-2 eggs and 1/2 grapefruit or orange

Lettuce salad, any boiled meat

2 eggs, lettuce salad, orange



Cucumber salad, but without salt boiled meat


Boiled vegetables, 2 eggs, grained cottage cheese

2 eggs


Two tomatoes, any lean meat


Two tomatoes, any lean meat

fresh fruit salad


Boiled chicken meat, orange

Boiled chicken, vegetables, orange

Third week:




Any fruit other than those on the prohibited list


Any vegetables, except for those that are prohibited


Any vegetables and fruits other than those on the banned list


Grilled fish, cabbage


Boiled meat and boiled vegetables


Any fruit


Any fruit

Products that are presented in the menu of the third week can be eaten in unlimited quantities and at any time.

Fourth week:

The fourth week is aimed at helping the body adapt and get out of the diet. Products can also be consumed at any time and in any quantities. Every day you need to include tomatoes, grapefruit, cucumbers in the menu. Each meal should be complemented by a slice of bread or cereal toast.




Four pieces of beef weighing 75 g each (can be replaced with chicken), canned tuna without oil, 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes


200 g of any meat, 3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, pear


0,3 kg of any boiled vegetables, 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese


1/2 boiled chicken carcass, 1 cucumber, 3 tomatoes


2 eggs, 3 tomatoes, 10 lettuce leaves


2 boiled chicken breasts, 2 tomatoes and 2 cucumbers, 120 g cottage cheese, kefir


A can of canned tuna, 200 g of boiled vegetables, 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese

Interesting recipes for Maggi’s egg diet

Pangasius with leeks

Maggi egg diet

The preparation of the dish will require the following products:

  • 2 pangasius carcasses;

  • One lemon;

  • 2 leeks;

  • Black and pink pepper, salt to taste.

Leek is cut into 2 halves, scalded with boiling water to make the leaves soft, the field of which is dipped in ice water for a few seconds. The leaves are dried. Pangasius fillets are sprinkled with lemon zest, salted, sprinkled with lemon nipple and wrapped in leek leaves. Spread the fish in a heat-resistant form, add a little water to its bottom and bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

Chicken soup with carrots and curry

Maggi egg diet

The preparation of the dish will require the following products:

  • 1 tomato;

  • Xnumx chicken fillet;

  • 30 g of leeks;

  • 0,3 kg carrots;

  • Curry;

  • Greenery;

  • Bow-echalot;

  • A clove of garlic;

  • The third part of a lemon.

The chicken is cut into small pieces, fried in a dry frying pan (a few pieces of chicken are put aside). Chopped leeks are added to the remaining chicken, then chopped carrots and tomato. The mixture is stewed under the lid for 15 minutes, after which it is poured with water (0,35 l) and boiled until the vegetables are fully cooked. At the end of cooking, curry, chopped garlic, lemon, scallions, dill are added, the soup is passed through a blender. Before serving, lay out whole pieces of fried chicken on a plate.

Baked carrots with cheese and egg

Maggi egg diet

The preparation of the dish will require the following products:

  • One onion;

  • 150 g carrots;

  • 100 g of homemade cheese;

  • One boiled and one raw egg;

  • Seasoning;

  • Greenery.

Carrots are brought in a saucepan until half cooked, after which they are cut and fried in a dry frying pan. Add some water and seasoning. Add one raw egg and one boiled egg to the frying (finely chopped). Put the dish in the oven for 5 minutes, then remove it, sprinkle with herbs, decorate with cheese and serve.

Vegetable ragout

Maggi egg diet

To prepare it, you will need the following products:

  • Zucchini;

  • Carrots and onions;

  • A clove of garlic;

  • Eggplant;

  • A tomato;

  • Seasoning.

Carrots are rubbed on a grater, spread on a pan, chopped garlic, peeled zucchini, eggplant and tomatoes cut into slices are added. The vegetable mixture is salted, poured in a little water and stewed under a closed lid until tender. At the end of cooking, greens are added.

Advantages and disadvantages

Maggi egg diet

The benefits of the Maggi egg diet are as follows:

  • The weight comes off very quickly.

  • The diet is easily tolerated, as it is not hungry.

  • Eggs saturate the body well.

  • The products that make up the menu are affordable.

  • The body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals, as the diet includes a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Cons of the Maggi diet:

  • The calorie content of the diet does not exceed 1000 kcal, which is very small.

  • Excessive consumption of eggs can lead to high blood cholesterol levels.

  • After the transition to the usual diet, the weight may return.

  • During the diet, it is possible to increase gas formation, bloating, and constipation is not excluded.

  • Since the weight is lost very quickly, weakness and dizziness may occur.


Contraindications to the Maggi diet are:

  • Allergy to eggs.

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

  • Kidney diseases.

  • High blood cholesterol.

  • Diseases of the digestive system.

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