MadWaffle: the newest waffles are in Madrid!

MadWaffle: the newest waffles are in Madrid!

the bubble waffle, an innovative and delicious proposal.

In previous posts, we have talked about Taiyaki waffles in Madrid of other sweet style dishes. In this article, we show you another proposal, from another Asian capital, that has made us fall in love … And it comes to Madrid!

The history of bubble waffles begins in a small place in the city of Hong – Kong in 1980. There the recipe for this type of dough was created to make this soft and fluffy waffle, unique in the world.

From the success of this establishment, it began to gain so much fame that the concept was adopted in different cities, such as in the iconic city of New York, one of the great capitals of new gastronomic movements, and in other capitals in the Asian continent.

In Madrid, we are lucky to have MadWaffle, a fun place opened by a young man of only 18 years old, Óscar Gómez, with a lot of vision and an absolute love for cuisine and new gastronomic trends. In the heart of Madrid, on Calle de Tetuán, is this small and picturesque place where we can find these new delicacies that are sweeping the social networks.

We do not know if it is its chocolate or vanilla flavor that we love, or its soft and fluffy type of waffle batter totally new … What is clear is that those who have tried it love it!

Your arrival in Madrid

Óscar Gómez tells how on one of his trips to Asia, he saw this type of waffle and was fascinated with it, so much so that he decided to invest in them. Since the store has opened in Madrid, we can see countless queues at all hours trying to try one of these desserts that have become a trend. With all kinds of toppings, MadWaffle offers a range of fun flavors such as fruit, chocolate chip, cookie, etc.

Its most famous product is cookie Monster, whose ingredients are: cream ice cream with small pieces of ground oreo cookie, chocolate waffle and liquid chocolate topping with fondant milk. Calories to power!

His instagram account has more than 19.000 followers and both locals and tourists have come to visit this curious place to be part of the many users who upload a photo of this curious and creative waffle-ice cream, probably one of the most instagrammable year.

We invite you to also be part of this rage for this delicious new dessert and add it to your social networks. We are sure it will cause a sensation!

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