Madruzzo (Мадруццо)

Madruzzo is one of the most beautiful castles in Italy, the former residence of the Bishops of Tronto. Giving sambuca the name of an ancient fortress, the creators wanted to emphasize loyalty to traditions: the pure and mild taste of the drink meets the highest standards. The Madruzzo brand is owned by the German Metro Group, which owns supermarkets in Europe, Asia and Africa. Therefore, residents of 31 states have already met with Madruzzo sambuca.

Historical reference. Gussago is a small commune in Franciacorta (in the province of Brescia), which has long been famous for its wines, grappas and liqueurs. In 1949, Vittorio Rino Saleri built a small distillery in Gussago. The time was post-war, difficult, but Saleri believed in the success of the enterprise so much that he named the plant Distillerie Sari di Saleri Riccardo – in honor of his son and heir Riccardo.

Among fellow countrymen, Signor Vittorio was reputed to be a connoisseur of wines and a connoisseur of everything beautiful. He himself created many recipes for various liqueurs: amaro, limoncello, maraschino, sambuca, which are still produced under the brand name Villa Colonna.

The advertising campaign for Sari products was held under the motto “The Kingdom of beauty and sophistication.” Saleri’s father and son used only high-quality natural raw materials for the manufacture of products.

At the beginning of the XXI century, the production area of ​​Distillerie Sari srl occupied 12 m², the company could produce up to 000 bottles of alcohol per day. However, in 200, the global crisis broke out, which hit Italian alcohol producers very hard. The financial condition of the company worsened even more due to the trial, during which competitors tried to deprive the company of the right to use the word “Franciacorta” in the name of the product. The court ruled in favor of Distillerie Sari, but it was too late: in 000, the company went bankrupt, they were going to sell it at auction.

In the event of the closure of the enterprise, 29 families would be left without a livelihood. The trade union intervened in the matter, which turned to the authorities with a demand to prevent layoffs. The crisis administration was led by Eliana Bonandi Saleri, the granddaughter of the founder of the company.

Signora Eliana reasoned that, despite all the difficulties, Distillerie Sari still had modern equipment, a good name and a talented close-knit team. The company Distillerie Sari (Villa Colonna) has entered into several contracts for the production of spirits with large European firms. In particular, for the Metro Group supermarket chain, the plant in Gussago produces a whole line of products under the Madruzzo brand: sambuca, maraschino, amaretto, limoncello, grappa.

This economic policy helped save the company. Signora Eliana and her sons, Vittorio and Carlo Alberto, strictly monitor the quality of products.

Types of sambuca Madruzzo

There are 2 varieties of Madruzzo sambuca:

  • Madruzzo sambuca is a colorless transparent liqueur with a strength of 40%. The mild anise flavor is completely free from alcohol bitterness;
  • Madruzzo Liquore al Caffé is a 33% ABV coffee liqueur based on sambuca. The word sambuca is not on the label, because according to EU standards, sambuca cannot have any other taste than anise.

Madruzzo (Мадруццо)

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