Age-related macular degeneration is a common cause of blindness in adults worldwide – an estimated 25 million people suffer from the disease. In view of the limited treatment options, it is important to prevent and contact an ophthalmologist at the first disturbing symptoms.

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a disease of the central part of the retina, the macula, that causes loss of central vision, leading to blindness. The patient has difficulties in everyday functioning – he cannot read, drive or check the time of day.

“We are seeing a significant increase in visits of patients who are the first to diagnose AMD, but we also have many patients who have been struggling with this disease for many years” – said the ophthalmologist, deputy head of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 5 in Katowice, prof. Ewa Mrukwa – Kominek.

“Any abnormalities in the field of view should alert us – a distortion of the image, some glow around the image or a stain in front of the eye that moves with the eye. A patient with AMD can gradually observe the loss of vision, but it can also be a very quick process, ”she added.

As she emphasized, AMD is already recognized as a social disease. It is estimated that 25 million people are sick worldwide. “So far, despite the fact that a lot of drugs have been tried, there is no guarantee of stopping the progression of the disease or improving vision, therefore, new methods of treatment are still being sought. At our center, we use all currently available measures to delay the progression of the disease. We are also preparing for the application of radiosurgical treatment with the use of the Gamma Knife device ”- said Prof. Mrukwa – Fireplace.

The causes of AMD are also not exactly known. The influence of genetic factors, food preservatives and unhealthy lifestyle of patients are investigated. Doctors are observing that the age of patients is decreasing – more and more people over 50 suffer from illness.

“It is believed that the number of these patients will triple in the next 25 years. This is very disturbing. That is why so much emphasis is placed on prophylaxis “- said Prof. Mrukwa – Fireplace. Its main elements are a healthy lifestyle, avoiding stimulants, eliminating carbohydrates and high-calorie fats from the diet, and enriching it with vegetables and fish to ensure the supply of omega-3 fatty acids.

Anyone can also carry out the Amsler test on their own – by printing a characteristic gridded field from the Internet and checking – separately for each eye – whether they see a stain or distortion of the central part of the field of view. (PAP)

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