Macronutrients in the human body – functions, the most important macronutrients

Most of us don’t think about what keeps our body functioning properly, including regeneration and growth. Our body’s cells need a range of nutrients each day that they cannot produce on their own. This mainly applies to inorganic substances such as minerals.

Macronutrients in the human body – functions

macroelementy in the form of minerals, they play a number of very important functions in our body. Among others:

  1. are the basic building blocks of the skeletal structure (e.g. bones and teeth),
  2. maintain the balance of osmotic fluids (water exchange and its distribution in the body),
  3. are one of the building blocks of soft tissues,
  4. are responsible for the proper transmission of nerve impulses,
  5. they are important components of many complex substances, such as vitamins, enzymes, hormones, catalysts and enzyme activators.

To the most important macronutrients as minerals include calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Macronutrients in the human body – calcium

Calcium is an example macronutrients which is the basic component of bones and cartilage in our body. Thanks to it, the blood is able to clot properly – calcium because it stimulates the secretion of tissue thromboplastins from platelets. Except that:

  1. calcium acts as an activator of many enzymes,
  2. stimulates the proper functioning of muscle contraction (including the heart) and regulates the flow of nerve impulses between cells,
  3. in combination with phospholipids, it plays an important role in regulating the permeability of cell membranes and the absorption of nutrients by them,
  4. supports the absorption of vitamin B12.

Appropriate level calcium in the body, counteracts an increased risk of heart disease, strokes and kidney stones.

Examples of rich sources calcium in the diet are, among others dairy and fish meat, but it is worth supplementing this macronutrient due to its high demand in our body. An adult should consume about 1000 mg a day calciumand in adolescents this requirement rises to 1300 mg.

Macronutrients in the human body – phosphorus

Phosphorus is an example macronutrientswhich provides a strong structure of bones and teeth. It plays an important role in the process of metabolism and the formation of phospholipids, nucleic acids and energy transport units (ATP). The daily requirement of our body in phosphorus is approximately 800 mg. Recommended sources phosphorus the diet includes meat and whole grains.

Macronutrients in the human body – magnesium

Our body needs magnesium for carrying out over 300 biochemical reactions. It supports the proper functioning of muscles and nerves, ensures regular beats of our heart and is a condition for building strong bones. Adults should consume between 320 (women) and 420 (men) milligrams magnesium daily. Good sources for this macronutrients there are beans, coarse groats, nuts and green vegetables.

macroelementy are examples of substances that have a huge impact on the proper functioning of the body, so it is always worth taking care of their supplementation in your daily diet.

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