
Matsoni is a fermented milk drink of Caucasian cuisine, made from fermented milk of buffaloes, goats, cows, sheep. Widely distributed in the Middle East and Asia Minor. The name of the drink comes from the verbs “Matsuts’anel” and “Matsnul”, which in translation from Armenian mean “ferment” and “curl”, respectively.

In appearance and taste, matsoni resembles liquid yogurt, kefir and yogurt. The main microflora of the drink is represented by heat-loving lactic acid streptococci and Bulgarian bacillus, which endow it with healing properties. Beneficial bacterial cultures contribute to the transformation of milk components into an easily digestible form that does not burden the digestive tract. In addition, they create an acidic environment in the intestines, which suppresses the pathogenic and supports the development and vital activity of normal microflora.

History of the drink

For the first time, a fermented milk product was obtained in the Caucasus. The legend says that 200 years ago the hostess poured milk into a jug of curdled milk and forgot to put it in a cold place. Under the influence of high temperatures, it was hot outside, after a while the woman discovered that a thick sour drink had formed in the container, resembling yogurt in taste. The story of the amazing transformation of milk into a refreshing fermented product quickly spread around the area and found its adherents. For a long time, the recipe for making yoghurt was kept secret, and only 15-20 years ago it was declassified, and the drink began to be produced on an industrial scale.

The composition of the fermented milk product

The nutritional qualities of the drink are due to the rich chemical composition, which contains essential amino acids, vitamins A, B, D, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, unique bacteria – streptococci, Bulgarian bacillus.

100 g of the product contains 65 kcal, 1 g of carbohydrates, 4 g of proteins and 16 g of fats (of which 12 g are saturated triglycerides and 2 g each are mono- and polyunsaturated).

The energy ratio of B: W: Y is 18%: 52%: 29%.

The chemical composition of matsoni
NameThe concentration of nutrients in 100 g product mg
Niacin (PP)0,1
Riboflavin (B2)0,1
Retinol (A)0,0322
Trace Elements

Matsoni is a low-calorie dietary product that is completely processed by the human body within 45 minutes, detoxifies the body, copes with constipation, and resists the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines. The drink serves as an excellent alternative to kefir and is recommended for use for fasting days.

Useful Properties

Matsoni is a source of valuable lactobacilli, which facilitate the body’s ability to break down and assimilate nutrients, and heal the intestinal microbiocenosis. In this connection, the drink is recommended for people with digestive disorders: with colitis, dysbacteriosis. The pleasant sour taste of the clot promotes the release of digestive juices and saliva, stimulates appetite.

Benefits of matsoni:

  • reduces gas formation, eliminates constipation, improves peristalsis;
  • normalizes metabolism, cleanses the liver;
  • strengthens bone tissue, reduces the likelihood of developing caries, osteoporosis;
  • stimulates the production of interferon and the activity of macrophages – protective cells;
  • improves blood circulation by increasing the tone of blood vessels;
  • stabilizes the activity of the liver, kidneys;
  • calms nerves, fights insomnia, helps to cope with stress;
  • supports visual acuity;
  • removes toxins, “bad” cholesterol, dissolves plaques, increases vitality;
  • improves the condition of the hair, strengthens the nails, promotes the regeneration of the skin.

Matsoni is recommended for athletes, since the drink has an anabolic effect, satisfies hunger and thirst well, and promotes muscle formation. In addition, it is indicated for obesity, hypertension, atherosclerosis. The product has a positive effect on the nervous, digestive, cardiovascular systems. It is used externally as an analgesic and healing agent for burns.

The unique biocenosis of the traditional Caucasian drink has a powerful attacking effect on pathogenic bacteria in the intestines (pathogenic microflora), fights free radicals. As a result, the cells heal, the causes of premature aging of the body disappear. Because of this, matsoni acquired an unspoken name among the inhabitants of the east – “longevity drink”.

How to use

In the Armenian cuisine in the food system, the laurels of primacy belong to grain and dairy products. As a rule, matsoni is prepared from sheep’s milk, from which, in turn, dry buttermilk chortan, zhazhik cottage cheese, and karag melted butter are obtained. Dairy products in Armenia are revered foodstuffs that stand along with bread products. A fresh drink is stored for 3 days, and in a “canned” salted, well-strained form – up to two months (kamatz matsoni).

Sour milk is used to prepare cereal-sour-milk, chicken, vegetable soups like tarkhan, spas and sarnapur. Matsoni with crushed garlic is served as a seasoning for the traditional Armenian dish – dolma, made from zucchini and grape leaves.

Interestingly, the national drink made from fermented sheep’s milk is an indispensable attribute during the celebration of Shrovetide (the so-called Bun Barekendan). Matsoni is usually served for dinner along with katn (milk rice porridge) on Sunday night.

In Georgian cuisine, the product is used for the preparation of seasonings, dough for khachapuri, sour national soups borani, shechamanda. In addition, it is customary to use it as an independent dish along with red pepper. It is believed that the drink is able to weaken the burning effect of the spice.

With what they eat

Perhaps the most common way to eat strained yoghurt is to dip the pita bread into a fermented milk mixture or spread it on bread, depending on the consistency chosen. A sandwich with salted curd mass is a favorite snack among all mountain peoples. In addition, natural Fast Food is prepared from it: ground from matzona, basturma and chopped greens (basil, tarragon, cilantro) are wrapped in pita bread.

A fermented milk drink or curdled flakes separated from whey harmoniously complements the sweet table. Matsoni is served as a light sour addition to confectionery: jam, honey, gingerbread, pastries.

Cooking principle

Matsoni differs from sour milk in that it contains lactic acid bacteria that are beneficial to the human body. The process of preparing a Caucasian drink lasts from 3 to 10 days. The technology of matzona production consists of the following stages: introduction of sourdough into fresh (pasteurized) milk for its primary oxidation, formation of a clot, growth of fungal flora with subsequent fermentation, decanting.

The amount of starter is taken based on the calculation of 15 ml per 200 ml of boiled, warm milk. Gradually it degenerates. The previous matsoni or live biokefir (“Aktimela”, “Laktoni”) is used as a sourdough matsoni. For 5-10 liters of milk, 200 ml of fermentative raw materials are enough.

Remember, matsoni should not stretch like sour cream starter. If this happens, the reason for this phenomenon is the presence of “long” Bulgarian sticks or mucus-forming bacteria, indicating the use of low-quality starting components.

The fermentation temperature depends on the purpose of the final product. First of all, the milk is brought to 95 degrees, tightly closed with a lid, cooled naturally to 40 degrees. Carefully remove the creamy film from the surface before adding the starter. The pan with the milk mixture is placed in an electric oven, where the temperature is maintained at 50 degrees. To avoid overheating, the oven door is slightly opened. Milk with sourdough is left for 12-24 hours. The residence time of the raw material in the oven depends on the preferred acidity of the final product.

The lower the temperature, the more intensively the yeast bacteria grow, the stronger the lactic acid ones. At the same time, milk fungi develop, which form colonies.

Weak fermentation indicates the introduction of an insufficient amount of ferment. To eliminate the trouble, this period is extended for another 4 hours, followed by refrigeration. If the fermentation process has not even begun, you should think about the quality of milk, most likely it contains an antibiotic.

The next stage is the ripening of the matzona. At the end of the primary fermentation of milk, a healthy sour is formed at the outlet, which is recommended to be consumed after 12 hours of cooling.

The main purpose of the maturation of the kefir mixture is to prepare it for decanting whey. To do this, it is necessary to wait for the complete breakdown of milk sugar by means of yeast, lactic acid fermentation. At the stage of aging and intensive reproduction of fungal, yeast cultures, the drink is intensively enriched with vitamin B. After fermentation, it is placed in a cellar for 3 days with a temperature regime of 8-12 degrees. During this time, the matsoni continues to thicken. The finished drink should not be overly acidic, while it must “pinch the tongue” (due to fermentation).

In the process of making a drink at home, one should take into account the fact that the yeast culture, introduced simultaneously with the starter, dies at high temperatures. To restore it, a handful of raisins are added to the product or placed in a warm place for 2 days until “bubbles” appear on the surface.

Ripened matsoni is separated from the whey by filtering through a dense, undyed linen cloth or tarpaulin. The clot is squeezed until the liquid stops draining, placed in a refrigerator, where the growth of the acidity of the product stops at a low temperature. At the same time, the development of a beneficial fungal environment continues.

Store in a glass container with a lid for no more than 3 days. After this period, beneficial bacteria will turn into pathogenic cultures – molds that are dangerous to human health.

The clot yield is one fifth of the original volume of milk.

Harm and contraindications

Homemade yoghurt is forbidden for people with cholelithiasis, gastritis with high acidity, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, stomach ulcers, allergies to dairy products.

In order not to harm your health, you should consult a nutritionist before drinking a fermented milk drink.

In addition, an excessive amount of yoghurt can provoke the development of diarrhea. The maximum allowable daily allowance is 400 ml.

You should not introduce matsoni into the diet of babies under one year of age, since their digestive system has not yet grown stronger, which means they may not accept the product.


Matsoni is a fermented milk drink recommended for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes to normalize microflora, suppress pathogenic bacteria in the intestines, improve the functioning of the heart, digestive organs, and strengthen the immune system. It is used in cosmetology in the form of masks for hair, hands, face, milk for make-up removal, washing, body wraps for cellulite. Procedures with yoghurt nourish, moisturize the skin, help to restore the acid-base balance.

According to the taste characteristics, a clot of fermented milk resembles sour cream or yogurt. On its basis, sauces are created for fish and meat dishes, spicy marinades, dressings for vegetable vegetarian salads. Matsoni is an essential ingredient of the national Georgian khachapuri. They cook okroshka, cold soups with it. The fermented milk product is harmoniously combined with spicy spices, fruits, honey, vegetables. Interestingly, it is a low-calorie diet drink (65 kcal to 100 ml), which cleanses the body of toxins, normalizes metabolism and helps to reduce body weight. In this connection, it is recommended to arrange a fasting day once a week, during which to drink 1,5 liters of yoghurt, which will temporarily unload the digestive system.

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