Mackerel in autoclave: 4 recipes

Mackerel in an autoclave at home is an unsurpassed dish. The fragrant, tender meat of this fish makes you want to eat it. Such homemade preservation goes well with various dishes, but it is best to serve such an appetizer with boiled potatoes. But as an independent dish, prepared in this way, it is excellent. You can season pies, soups, and also add to salads. Cooking in a sterilizer makes it not only amazingly tasty, but also allows you to save all the nutrients and nutrients.

Mackerel in autoclave: 4 recipes

Rules for preparing canned mackerel in an autoclave

Canned food is easy to prepare, even a novice hostess can easily handle it. But in order to make it tasty, you should follow some tips and tricks:

  1. Raw materials are better and easier to cut without defrosting to the end. In this case, the pieces will remain intact and will look more appetizing.
  2. Jars with cut pieces of raw materials should only be placed in a cold sterilizer.
  3. Putting wet sand under each jar will prevent glass jars from cracking the glass during the canning process.
  4. For the preparation of canned food, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the technology. The temperature regime and pressure in the sterilizer must be clearly defined. You need to cook fish at a temperature of 120 ° C for at least half an hour; this temperature regime will destroy botulism bacteria, which are extremely dangerous for humans.

Canned food prepared from mackerel in an autoclave can be stored for the winter without losing its taste and useful properties.

A simple recipe for cooking mackerel in an autoclave

The simplest, but at the same time quite tasty is the following recipe:

  1. The original product must be cleaned, washed, the black film removed, cut into pieces and tightly packed into jars.
  2. Add a teaspoon of sugar, salt and 9% vinegar to each jar.
  3. Next, add vegetable oil (a tablespoon) and your favorite spices and spices, which are most combined with fish.
  4. The next step is to roll up the jars and place them in an autoclave.
  5. In this form, canned fish should be kept in the sterilizer for 50-60 minutes at a temperature not exceeding 120 ° C.

Fish prepared according to this recipe is tender, soft, and the bones in it are practically not felt. Canned food is perfectly preserved for the winter, and the product from such a jar will be an excellent decoration for any holiday table.

Mackerel in autoclave: 4 recipes

Mackerel with vegetables in an autoclave

Cooking mackerel with vegetables in an autoclave is a simple and successful recipe. Onions and carrots add spice to the dish, and the result is a very unusual snack.

For the recipe you need:

  • 2 kg of raw materials;
  • salt, dessert spoon;
  • Bay leaf;
  • black pepper;
  • allspice;
  • medium carrots 2 pc .;
  • bulb onions;
  • clove

The cooking recipe is as follows:

  1. Fillet the fish in pieces of 60-90 g, then salt.
  2. Cut the carrots into small sticks, but not very finely, otherwise it will boil. Onion cut into medium-sized cubes.
  3. Lay in sterilized jars in layers alternately with vegetables.
  4. In each of the jars, add a few grains of different peppers, a bay leaf and one clove each.
  5. Lay the fish and vegetables as tightly as possible, but do not forget that there should be an empty space between the top layer and the lid of the jar.
  6. Put the jars in the sterilizer and turn on.
  7. Bring the pressure and temperature in the sterilizer to 110 °C and four atmospheres, respectively, and simmer canned food for 40 minutes.
  8. Allow cooked canned food to cool completely without removing it from the sterilizer.

After that, autoclaved mackerel with vegetables can be sent for long-term storage until winter. The resulting dish will delight you with excellent taste.

Mackerel in autoclave: 4 recipes

Recipe mackerel in a tomato in an autoclave

For cooking in tomato sauce, you must provide the following ingredients:

  • 3 medium fish;
  • 1 large tomato;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 2 Art. l. vegetable oils;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • sugar, salt, pepper – to taste.

Here is the step by step recipe:

  1. Thoroughly clean the fish, wash, cut off the head and tail, achieving absolute purity inside.
  2. Cut the carcasses into fairly large pieces.
  3. Cut the peeled onion into half rings, and the tomato into cubes.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan, heat and put vegetables, simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. Add tomato paste, salt, sugar, water and pepper to the stewed vegetables, mix and remove from heat.
  6. Fill the jars with pieces of fish and pour over the prepared sauce, roll up and install in the sterilizer.
  7. The temperature and pressure in the sterilizer should be the same as in the previous recipes: 110 ° C, pressure 3-4 atmospheres and should be cooked for 40-50 minutes.

Canned food prepared according to this recipe melts in your mouth and will surprise even the most demanding gourmets. The recipe for cooking mackerel with vegetables and tomatoes in a home-made sterilizer is no different from cooking in a Belarusian autoclave.

Mackerel in autoclave: 4 recipes

Canned mackerel in oil in an autoclave

The following ingredients are required for cooking:

  • cleaned and decapitated fish – 500 g;
  • black pepper – 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 15 g;
  • bay leaf – 1 pcs.;
  • salt – to taste.

The further recipe differs little from the previous ones and looks like this:

  1. Cut the fish into medium-sized pieces of 70-80 g.
  2. Put bay leaves and pepper in jars at the bottom.
  3. Salt the mackerel pieces and pack them into a jar (not forgetting the gap between the fish and the lid).
  4. Fill the container with vegetable oil.
  5. Roll up jars with ingredients and put in a sterilizer.

Temperature, pressure and cooking time remain the same as in classic cooking. Recipes for cooking mackerel in an autoclave can be seen in numerous videos.

Mackerel in autoclave: 4 recipes

Rules for storing mackerel cooked in an autoclave

Canned food prepared in a sterilizer, subject to all the rules of preparation, can be stored for years. In order for storage to be more reliable, fish meat must be coated with oil or fat. And, of course, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime. It is desirable that it be a dry place with a temperature of 10–15 ° C, a cellar or pantry is the best option.


Mackerel in an autoclave at home is not only healthier, but also safer than store-bought tins. It is rich in iodine, calcium, vitamins, amino acids and trace elements, which does not lose even after heat treatment. And the ability to independently adjust the addition of seasonings, salt and other ingredients allows you to prepare canned food to your taste.

Mackerel in an autoclave. New recipe! Mackerel stew. Mmmmm….

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