Mackerel: calorie content, properties and benefits. Video

Mackerel: calorie content, properties and benefits. Video

Mackerel, which is also called mackerel, is the leader in the content of special saturated acids among other fish species. This makes her meat not only tender in taste, but also healthy.

Benefits of mackerel

Despite the fact that, due to the high fat content, mackerel does not belong to dietary fish varieties, it is in these fats that it is especially useful. They include polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on vascular elasticity and, when consumed regularly, reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Mackerel helps lower bad cholesterol and is also a source of pure protein. Its chemical composition includes:

– phosphorus, necessary to maintain the integrity of the bone; – sodium, which normalizes the water-salt balance; – zinc, which has immunostimulating and antimicrobial properties; – fluoride, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the teeth.

And this is not an exhaustive list of useful substances, but you still should not abuse mackerel, since it has its own limitations.

Also, omega-3 acids are beneficial for the skin, as they increase its tone and resist the formation of premature wrinkles.

Contraindications to the use of mackerel

There are very few bans on eating mackerel and they mainly relate to diseases of the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract and salted fish, as well as the use of cold and hot smoked carcasses, which contribute to the formation of edema. For the same reason, it should not be abused during pregnancy.

Mackerel, like any sea fish, can cause allergies, so if you have a tendency to eat it, you should be careful

Calorie content of mackerel and the most useful recipes for its use

There are just over 100 calories in 150 grams of this fatty fish, which, with such an amount of saturated fat, is, in principle, not much compared to the number of calories in other, less fatty fish varieties. But in order for the mackerel to give away all its nutrients and not harm your health, you need to know how many ways it can be cooked correctly. Chilled than frozen fish is preferable, since the latter has a high risk of violation of the rules of storage and transportation, as a result of which it is thawed and frozen repeatedly, which negatively affects the taste of the finished dish. Frying is one of the least beneficial ways, as it adds vegetable fats and carcinogens released when heated to the dish. The ideal way to cook mackerel is to bake it in the oven and also to stew it. At the same time, her taste turns out to be no worse than when frying, which is largely due to the juiciness of the fish itself. Smoked, salted, sagging and canned mackerel loses most of its nutrients, retaining only excellent taste.

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