Macho comes to the doctor …

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“Most men think they can have as many women and children as they want,” says urologist and andrologist Robert Jarema. Meanwhile, male infertility does not have to have anything to do with sexual potency.

Treatment of male infertility

– I have testosterone-prone sports patients who do not have any libido disorders. And yet they cannot wait for offspring – says Dr. Jarema. He adds that many of the disorders that cause male infertility can be treated. The problem, however, is that men don’t want to do this.

As emphasized by doctors dealing with infertility treatment, most men do not even admit that something may be wrong with their fertility. – The gentlemen profess the so-called maczyzm, and that means they believe they can have as many women and children as they want. Such a guy goes to the doctor only when his partner brings him by the hand – says Dr. Jarema.

37-year-old Darek, who was treated for male infertility, says that before he went to the doctor, he did not even take into account that the problem concerns him. – We are brought up in a patriarchal society. Already in history they taught us that queens could not have children, kings were not affected by this problem – says Darek. Although his wife had a child from her first marriage, he was initially convinced that their difficulties in getting a baby were due to some female medical condition.

Dr. Jarema emphasizes that men have a problem with going to the urologist or andrologist at all, unlike women who, already being girls, are taken by their mother to the gynecologist. In his opinion, it would be easier if a couple who want to have a child in the future were tested earlier. – When, after a year of being together, the desired baby is still missing and the partners decide to undergo treatment, they are usually surprised that it is such a long process. If they came prophylactically earlier, they would not lose valuable procreative time – adds the doctor.

Check what are the known methods of treating infertility

Psychological aspects of infertility

– It is worth being treated, because only 30 percent. infertility turns out to be incurable. Which means that 2/3 pairs can be helped – says Dr. Jarema.

When, after examining Darek’s semen, it turned out that his sperm count was far too low, he broke down. – This is a shock that strikes every male ego. Self-esteem decreases and a person feels defective – he says. He adds that this also affects the relationship in the relationship. Darek initially closed in on himself. He started building a house. He did everything to get away from the problem and not talk about it. – We had more and more quarrels and arguments for nothing, but there was always a child’s problem in the subtext – he says.

Then – as he recalls – he realized that although infertility does not hurt, it can exhaust a person. He adds that you have to go through it with your partner. It is not easy because sex is becoming a task. This is a huge challenge for the relationship. However, it is worth helping each other, because the problem is common.

Semen diagnostics

The basic examination that a future father should perform is sperm diagnostics. Unfortunately, some public institutions do not have special rooms adapted to this. In private centers there are rooms that provide a sense of intimacy. – The patient told me that before he came to me, he was treated in a large state facility. Before the examination, he received a semen container at registration, with which he went to the toilet. It was located in a waiting room full of patients. In addition, the toilet door did not close properly. So the patient, holding the handle, which was being pulled all the time, tried to donate the sperm – says Dr. Jarema.

Meanwhile, even under the best conditions, the first sperm donation is always stressful, which can affect the test result. – It happens that some of them end up on the floor and the patient picks them up from the ground. The results are then astonishing. That is why I believe that only the next donation can be reliable – explains Dr. Jarema.

Darek did research in a private facility. The conditions were good, but he was stressed anyway. – It is known that donating semen is embarrassing. However, I think it should be approached in the same way as defecation or urine testing. It is not a pleasure, but it is necessary – he says.

Semen test results

When the man receives the semen test results, he can see for himself whether all parameters are normal, because the printout shows the correct values. The test assesses the amount of sperm, sperm mobility and viability as well as their structure. Additional information is the leukocyte count, which if overstated indicates inflammation. When sperm cells are too low or their quality is not good, further diagnostics should be started. This is the best time to visit a urologist. And it’s worth it, because infertility is treatable.

Also check what the ovarian reserve test looks like

– I had a patient who had previously visited a gynecologist with his partner. The latter, seeing his sperm parameters, advised him not to try to conceive a descendant as he may be born underdeveloped. This is, of course, utter nonsense. Only a healthy sperm can reach its destination. So if a patient with poor sperm has a baby at all, he has the same chance of being healthy as the male offspring with the standard sperm.

This was also the case with this patient. He is the father of a beautiful and healthy girl – says Dr. Jarema. And she encourages men to visit urologists. – Often, gynecologists try to treat male fertility problems. This is not a good solution because they are not specialists in male physiology. Just like I am not a specialist in women’s physiology – she emphasizes.

Diagnostics of male infertility

Further diagnosis of a patient with poor sperm parameters is hormonal tests that will check whether the body produces the right amount of testosterone. The lack of this hormone can be replaced pharmacologically.

The doctor may also do an ultrasound of the testicles to check for any birth or acquired defects. Sometimes the cause of trouble is varicocele. Surgery can solve this problem. Often, sperm quality worsens the inflammation of the prostate. Cultivating semen will answer the question of what bacteria are responsible for it. Many men are unaware that this is their problem. Its treatment takes about 3 months and consists of taking antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Unfortunately, the inflammation can recur, which does not mean that in the meantime, you cannot get offspring. – I treated a patient who had varicose veins, inflammation, inguinal hernia and, in childhood, bilateral testicular cryptorchidism. There were basically no sperm at all, but the hormones were normal. The patient underwent surgery for varicose veins, healed the infection and, as a result, had a descendant – says Dr. Jarema.

In vitro fertilization

There is a belief that treating male infertility is very expensive. It’s not true. Therapy of women is associated with quite large expenses. Treatment for men takes several months, and the process of sperm formation for another 3 months. Unfortunately, Darek belonged to the group of patients who could not help immediately. Therefore, after three unsuccessful inseminations, he and his wife decided to undergo IVF. After nine months, their son was born.

Today, Darek is active in the Nasz Stocian Foundation, helping couples trying to get offspring. He talks to many men who have a similar problem. He convinces them that it is worth healing, because the moment when we become fathers fills them with happiness and pride.

Text: Halina Pilonis

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