Macadamia nut shell tincture

Macadamia tincture turns golden in color with the aroma of vanilla, melted cream and light chocolate tints, milk chocolate and caramel notes are clearly distinguishable in taste. The drink is very soft, and if you add more sugar, you get a kind of chocolate liqueur. The recipe is simple, but there are a couple of nuances.


Macadamia is one of the most expensive nuts in the world – the cost of 1 kg in Russia is 700-900 rubles. However, the tincture requires only 15 g of nuts per 0,5 liter of alcohol base, the tincture is relatively cheap.

Australian nut kernels contain up to 75% fat, so only macadamia shells are used for infusion, which also has enough flavoring and aromatic substances, but less fat. As a result, the drink is not so oily.

Macadamia nut shell tincture

The macadamia nut shell is not inferior in strength to aluminum, so before selling, it is cut into pieces. Also, along with the nuts, a special metal key is sold, with which you can open the nut completely and get the core.

Vodka, well-purified sugar moonshine or diluted ethyl alcohol are suitable as an alcohol base for tincture. The base should not have its own aroma and taste, so as not to interrupt the organoleptic properties of macadamia, so grain and fruit distillates are not the best solution, the best option is white rum.

Attention! The authors of some recipes recommend first boiling and then baking the shells in the oven before infusion. This method is used when it is necessary to reduce the concentration of tannins, which are not so abundant in macadamia, or to obtain bright caramel shades in taste, which is inappropriate in this case. Boiling and roasting neutralize much of the unique aroma and taste of these nuts, just rinse the shell in warm running water.

Macadamia shell tincture recipe


  • macadamia nuts – 8 pieces (about 15 g);
  • vodka (moonshine, alcohol 40-45%, rum) – 0,5 l;
  • sugar (preferably cane) – 1 teaspoon + to taste.

The difference between tincture and macadamia liqueur is the amount of sugar. 1 teaspoon can be added to the tincture to soften the burning taste of alcohol, and sweeten to taste after steeping and filtering. It is advisable to use cane sugar, but beet sugar is also suitable.


1. Open the nuts, use the nucleoli for other needs, and rinse the macadamia shells in running water, wipe dry and put in a container for infusion – a glass bottle or jar.

2. Pour in sugar. Pour in the alcohol base. Close tightly and shake well several times.

3. Infuse for 14 days in a dark place at room temperature. Shake every 3-4 days.

4. Strain the finished homemade macadamia shell tincture through cheesecloth or a kitchen strainer. If small particles remain, filter through cotton wool or a coffee filter.

5. Sweeten the drink with sugar to taste. Pour into bottles for storage, seal tightly. Before tasting, leave for 2-3 days in the refrigerator or cellar.

Away from direct sunlight, the shelf life of macadamia tincture is up to 5 years. Fortress – 37-38% vol.

Macadamia nut shell tincture

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