Portrait of modern Western society from the point of view of a philosopher. The cult of youth and success — do we choose these life goals ourselves?
The Polish researcher Malgorzata Yatsino, relying on the works of the outstanding sociologist and philosopher Pierre Bourdieu, created nothing less than a portrait of a modern developed society. In the center of her attention are the representatives of the middle class with their morality and philosophy, culture and consumer preferences. And although in Russia this class has not yet become either numerous or capable of determining the life of society, many of the author’s thoughts and observations are relevant for our country as well. The cult of youth and a healthy lifestyle, the desire for success and unbridled consumption — do we ourselves choose these life guidelines? Is it possible to impose the rules of the game on people in a society that has proclaimed the freedom of choice of everyone as the highest value? And if so, how does this happen? It may turn out that acquaintance with the book by Malgorzata Jacino will make many readers look at the world around them with completely different eyes.