M. Seligman “How to learn optimism”

Optimism can be learned. It is quite possible to master the skills of a positive attitude towards life and self-respect. One of the founders of positive psychology tells how.

Who among us would not like to manage our internal state in such a way that under no circumstances does not lose a positive attitude? Who wouldn’t want to overcome problems and losses a little more easily, achieve more noticeable successes, be even a little happier and healthier? An optimist has all these advantages, and, as authoritatively states the master of world positive psychology Martin Seligman, even an inveterate pessimist can become one. And not thanks to frivolous tricks, like whistling a cheerful melody or repeating a mantra about one’s own attractiveness, but by consciously acquiring new skills. It’s not about trying on rose-colored glasses for everyone. Seligman is convinced that a person trained in optimism gains greater flexibility and freedom – both in the perception of reality and in their own actions. And this conviction is inspiring.

Alpina Publisher, 338 p.

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