The practitioners of the Rosen Method, created by the American psychotherapist Marion Rosen, work with the unconscious of the client through his body. Achieving complete relaxation in places of bodily constrictions, they achieve amazing results both on the physical and psycho-emotional levels.
Through touching the patient’s body to help him heal from pain, physical and / or mental, to open the way to a new, more authentic life – this is how Marion Rosen sets out the essence of her method. Having lived for almost 100 years, actively working at the age of 97, she was awarded prestigious awards in the United States for her achievements, and her followers are now working all over the world, including in Russia. Marion Rosen did not consider herself a psychotherapist – she preferred the word “practitioner”. Nevertheless, her method works, in fact, with the unconscious of the patient. It is known that due to muscle tension, without realizing it, we retain the memory of emotional trauma. By creating an atmosphere of trust and achieving deep relaxation in the areas of constriction, the practitioner of the Rosen Method helps the patient become aware of repressed feelings. The result is amazing: chronic pain disappears, relationships improve, self-confidence arises … Although Marion admitted how exactly this effect is achieved, she herself did not know.
Psychotherapy, 144 p.