
The largest Jungian analyst Marie-Louise von Franz continues to explore the phenomenon of a fairy tale. The theme of her new book is the images of the unconscious that we encounter in fairy tales.

The leading Jungian analyst Marie-Louise von Franz continues to explore the phenomenon of fairy tales (see also Archetypal Patterns in Fairy Tales, Femininity in Fairy Tales, Klass, 2007, 2010). The theme of her new book is the images of the unconscious with which we we meet in fairy tales. The Jungian analyst is sure that we need to peer into them (even into the most terrible ones) in order to see the «dark sides» of our personality, which are symbolically represented in fairy tales. See and try to accept them. Only by looking evil in the face, by boldly and resolutely meeting in a duel with your inner “dragon”, you can stop being afraid of it, subjugate it and use its power for good.

Class, 360 p.

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