M. Jacoboni “Reflecting in people: why we understand each other”

Mirror neurons are one of the most striking discoveries of recent times. Thanks to him, it was confirmed that the mysterious feeling that sometimes overtakes us “I somehow know exactly what the other person feels” is not an illusion. Neuroscientist Marco Jacoboni was one of the first to study this kind of interactions and their localization in the human brain.

Mirror neurons are one of the most striking discoveries of recent times. Thanks to him, it was confirmed that the mysterious feeling that sometimes overtakes us “I somehow know exactly what the other person feels” is not an illusion. Neuroscientist Marco Jacoboni was one of the first to study this kind of interactions and their localization in the human brain. Among other things, it turned out: we are able to “appropriate” the qualities of even those people who are not directly in our field of vision. An experiment was carried out. One group of participants was asked to think about university professors, and the other group was asked to think about football hooligans. Both groups then completed an intelligence test. And (as we have already begun to guess) the first group showed higher results. She also outperformed the control group, who took the test right away, with no pre-tests. So now we know how to become smarter: you just have to think about a professorship. This is one example of many: there are many more secrets revealed in the book.


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