
How to use the power of a glance to conduct successful negotiations, convince the interlocutor that you are right and achieve happiness in your personal life?

If you approach a child playing in the sandbox and do something unexpected, like cover his hands with yours, his first reaction is to raise his head and look us in the eyes. It is an instinctive movement, a natural way of knowing what a stranger’s intentions are. When we meet the eyes of another person, we instantly understand something about him and make a decision — whether to communicate with him further, and what kind of communication will be. But the meeting of views is always an exchange. We also open up to another and tell him something about us, on the basis of which he will make his own decision about us. And here a serious question arises: what can we do to make a wordless message favorable? And the second, even more serious than the first: what if we are not able to look another in the eye at all? The answer to the second question is exercise. To begin with, ask someone you know to be our “assistant” and play staring games with all possible pleasure, laughing and scratching your nose if you want. And the answer to the first is, in fact, the whole book by Michael Ellsberg, the organizer of «gazing parties» where they meet and get acquainted without words (and also the author of the bestselling Millionaire without a degree, Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2012). He talks about how with the help of a look you can make a successful deal, heal childhood traumas and find the happiness of your life.

Eksmo, 320 p.

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