
I had my first consultation with a relative of my close friend, Lyudmila. The situation that my friend briefly described to me was rather complicated. The family is on the verge of collapse, Lyudmila cannot cope. There are scandals, reproaches, accusations, jealousy in the house. Family life does not add up.

Lyudmila, a pretty, well-groomed woman of 42 years old. I came to counseling in a depressed state. During the description of the situation, she could not always control herself, she often cried.

The story is fairly ordinary. The husband has lost interest in her, lives his own life. The son, he is 21 years old, is busy with himself. The husband has another woman on the side, there are friends with whom he spends his free time in the garage, he often comes home drunk. Life has become unbearable, even though they have been together for more than twenty years.

Establishing contact

Contact during the consultation was established immediately. My benevolent attitude, sincere and attentive communication, understanding of what was happening, gave Lyudmila the opportunity to feel heard and understood. Her question: “What should I do?”, I immediately gently translated into the question: “What do you want?”

Clarification of the situation and request


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Written by the authoradminWritten inFOOD

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