The brewery in the village of Lyskovo is the oldest enterprise in the industry in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Even at the dawn of its history, Lyskovskoe beer was awarded more than once at exhibitions in Paris and London. Drinks are produced according to classical technologies from natural ingredients, products are certified for the absence of GMOs and artificial additives. The plant produces 17 types of beer, most of the assortment is made up of unpasteurized varieties.
Historical information
The brewery was built in 1860 by the merchant Zazykin. The industrial complex occupied an area of 33 hectares and was equipped with steam engines, and the territory had its own malt house. By 1865, the company became the property of Fedor Ermolaev, who expanded the business by building the Novo-Lyskovsky plant in Nizhny Novgorod.
The production processes were led by a brewer from Germany, Gunther Scheider. Thanks to his efforts, the company’s products were in high demand throughout the province and in 1903 won the Grand Prix at an exhibition in London. During the First World War, due to the restriction of the sale of alcohol in the country, the enterprise fell into decay, and after the revolution, production was completely stopped.
In 1922, the plant resumed its activities. In the 60s, after the renewal of technological lines, the production of Zhigulevskoye, Rizhskoye and Velvet brands popular in the country began, which were sold far beyond the region. In 1999, Makariy beer appeared in the assortment, which became the leading brand of the company. In 2010, the enterprise underwent a large-scale modernization: new buildings were built, cooking and fermentation equipment was replaced.
Production features
Carefully sorted barley is soaked, germinated, dried and aged for a month. To give the beer a certain taste, light malt is mixed with caramel. An underground well 75 m deep is located on the territory of the industrial complex. Water is passed through multi-stage filters to purify it from excess salts and minerals.
Hops are added to the wort exclusively in cones, refusing extracts and granulated varieties. Primary fermentation takes up to 7 days, then the beer is placed in lager tanks for aging. The ripening period depends on the variety and reaches 50 days. Then the finished drinks are filtered, pasteurized in a gentle way and served for bottling.
- International exhibition “Beer 1999”, Sochi – gold and 3 silver medals;
- Forum “Russia at the turn of the century 1999”, Nizhny Novgorod – 4 silver awards.
- Competition “Environmentally safe products 2001”, Moscow – entry into the register of suppliers of natural and safe products;
- Forum “United Russia”, Nizhny Novgorod – diplomas and certificates.
Interesting Facts
- The company operates an experimental workshop for the production of craft beer. One of the Kraft Tolstoy collections combines four styles of beer, including Indian and Belgian pale ales. The design corresponds to the nature of the products – the designers have developed labels in the style of the XNUMXth century, decorating them with coats of arms and engravings.
- In 2019, Lyskovsky Brewery JSC received an honorary standard from the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. The award is presented every year to companies that have proven their worth and achieved high performance in the industry.
Types of beer “Lyskovskoe”
The brand was named after the Makariev Fair, which in the 8th century was held near the village of Lyskovo and was one of the largest events in the commercial life of the province. The line includes XNUMX types of drinks, including both “live” and pasteurized varieties. The range is constantly updated with new types of products.
“Live unfiltered”, 4% – created from light malt with the addition of German hops. Slightly cloudy due to the presence of natural yeast in the composition. A drink with a fresh aroma and malty flavor with a bitter finish.
“Makariy Zhivoe Two-stage filtration”, 4% – amber-colored drink retains all natural components due to the absence of heat treatment. The taste is well balanced: the sweetness of the malt balances the bitterness of the hops.
“Makariy Velvet”, 4,1% – caramel malt gives the beer a bright ruby color and softness. The aroma contains notes of freshly baked bread, the taste is enveloping with grainy and grassy nuances.
“Makariy Vintage”, 4,5% – light pasteurized beer is created on the basis of Czech and German raw materials. It matures over a long period in lager tanks, where it acquires a malty aroma and taste with moderate hop bitterness.
“Czech Recipe”
The company has been producing the brand since 2012 based on the recipes of Czech brewers adapted to the conditions of production.
Stara Praha, 4,5% – a golden lager brewed with the addition of a specially developed combination of hop varieties, which gives the drink the aroma of meadow herbs. The taste is soft and harmonious, without excessive bitterness.
Cheshskoe Domashnee, 3,2% – light golden beer with a head of lush foam is easy to drink due to its low strength and low density. The aroma is dominated by wild flowers, malt and herbal shades are mixed in the taste.
The line first appeared in 2010. The production is based on old recipes authored by the German brewer Günther Scheider, reworked with modern technology.
Weizenbier, 4% – light unfiltered beer brewed with wheat malt. The aroma harmoniously combines the smells of ripe fruit, grain, yeast and spices. The taste is sweetish, with citrus bitterness at the finish.
Schwarzbier, 4,1% is a popular beer brand in Germany. It is brewed from dark roasted malt, which gives the drink a dark ruby color. Caramel shades for taste.
“German Recipe”
The beer is brewed in accordance with the Bavarian law, according to which only malt, hops and water must be included in the composition of the drink. The line includes classic varieties created in the German style.
“Viennese”, 4,7% – light unfiltered beer is brewed from a mixture of light and roasted malt with the addition of German hops. The color is ruby, the sweet taste is dominated by caramel sweetness.
“German”, 4% – a light refreshing drink made from raw materials brought from Germany. The taste is classic, with hints of barley and light hop bitterness.
“Bavarian barrel”, 4% – has a long ripening period, reaching up to one and a half months. A pale golden lager with a grassy aroma and malty flavor. Thanks to pasteurization, it retains its freshness for three months.