Lysine (l-lysine, l-lysine)

Lysine (l-lysine, l-lysine)

L-Lysine. What is this amino acid?

lysine Is an aliphatic amino acid that is the main basis for building proteins. Lysine is needed by the human body for normal growth, the production of hormones, antibodies, enzymes, and tissue repair.

At the end of the 20th century, scientists managed to discover unusual properties L-lysinethat allow this amino acid to actively fight the viruses that cause herpes and acute respiratory infections. Numerous studies have shown that lysine helps to lengthen the recurrence interval in various types of herpes (including genital).


L-lysine against herpes virus

As soon as the herpes virus enters the body, it begins to multiply actively. For this, he needs particles of cells in our body; and the main building material for new viruses is the amino acid arginine.

So what role does L-lysine play in this entire process? It’s very simple: getting into the body, lysine simply replaces arginine. In terms of their chemical properties and structure, these two amino acids are absolutely identical. The herpes virus cannot distinguish them from each other, so it begins to grow new viruses not from arginine, but from lysine. Such “newborn” viruses die very quickly, and reproduction is suspended.

It has been proven that with severe mental stress and trauma, lysine in the cells of our body is quickly depleted, and the herpes virus begins to actively act again. It is for this reason that people who are quite nervous and worried are more susceptible to attacks of the herpes virus.

Biological action of L-lysine

  • increases muscle strength and endurance;
  • helps to increase muscle volume (anabolic);
  • improves short-term memory;
  • increases female libido;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • thickens the hair structure;
  • prevents the development of osteoporosis;
  • improves erection;
  • prevents recurrence of genital herpes.

Numerous scientific studies have proven that long-term and regular use of L-lysine also has a mild antidepressant effect. In addition, some people who use L-lysine, severe headaches (migraine) disappear.

Major Dietary Sources of L-Lysine

The following foods contain a large amount of L-lysine: potatoes, fish, meat protein, pork, yogurt, soy, wheat germ, egg white, lentils. Very often, lysine is added to sports nutrition to gain muscle mass.


Lack of L-lysine in the diet can cause fatigue, a feeling of nervousness, dizziness, nausea, lethargy, menstrual irregularities, and the appearance of blood vessels in the eye membrane.

Recommendations for the use of lysine

You should take 1 mg of L-lysine (248 tablets of 2,5 mg) per day on an empty stomach to effectively reduce the recurrence of the herpes virus several times. Products containing L-lysine are not addictive, impaired, or sleepy. With long-term use, L-lysine does not have a toxic effect on the body, and its excess is excreted along with the urine.


L-lysine should not be taken by pregnant women, as there is a possibility that it inhibits the growth and development of the fetus.


It is not recommended to take L-lysine for children and adolescents, because its increased concentration can lead to stunted growth.

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