Lynchburg lemonade (Lynchburg lemonade) – a strong cocktail based on bourbon

Lynchburg lemonade is a strong alcoholic cocktail (18-20% by volume) based on bourbon and orange liqueur with soda. The taste is specific, lovers of Long Island Ice Tea and other similar cocktails will like it. The drink is considered more masculine, but the sweetness and strength can be adjusted, so we recommend trying it to all connoisseurs of bar culture.

Historical information

The recipe for Lynchburg lemonade was invented in 1980 by restaurateur Tony Mason, who owned an institution in the city of Lynchburg, hence the name of the cocktail. The same city is also home to the iconic bourbon producer Jack Daniel`s, although it is more correct to call the drink Tennessee whiskey (tennessee whiskey), because it is filtered through wedge coal, which is not the case in classical bourbon production technology.

In the wake of the popularity of Lynchburg lemonade, Jack Daniels decided to “ride” – a brand advertisement appeared that mentioned Lynchburg lemonade. Tony Mason considered this an infringement of his copyright on the recipe and in 1987 filed a lawsuit against Jack Daniel’s, demanding damages in the amount of $ 13. The court sided with Mason, but the amount of compensation instead of 276 million was only $ 335, because the recipe was not recognized as a trade secret.

It was thanks to this story that Lynchburg Lemonade was known all over the world and the cocktail took its rightful place on the menu of many establishments.

Lynchburg lemonade recipe

Composition and proportions:

  • bourbon (Jack Daniels or other) – 50 ml;
  • orange liqueur Cointreau or Triple Sec – 50 ml;
  • soda Sprite or 7UP (or soda) – 20-30 ml;
  • sugar syrup – 10-15 ml (optional);
  • ice – 100-150 g;
  • lemon – for decoration.

The classic recipe uses Jack Daniels bourbon, but it can be replaced with any other brand, as long as it is bourbon, not whiskey. Based on Triple Sec, the cocktail is softer.

For dilution, soda (soda water) with lemon flavor is ideal, which is easy to make at home by mixing ordinary mineral water with lemon juice in a ratio (3: 1). If there is no soda, then more affordable Sprite or 7UP sodas will come to the rescue. The amount of soda (soda) can be changed at your discretion, making Lynchburg lemonade stronger or weaker.

Sugar syrup (sugar and water in equal parts) is usually added along with lemon soda for, because there is enough sugar in sodas.

Technology of preparation

1. Fill shaker with ice, add bourbon, clear orange liqueur and sugar syrup.

2. Shake, pour the mixture through a strainer (bar strainer) into a tall glass (highball) filled with ice.

3. Top up with soda or soda to taste. Do not stir. Garnish with a slice of lemon if desired (you can put it directly into the glass). Serve with a straw.

Lynchburg lemonade (Lynchburg lemonade) – a strong cocktail based on bourbon

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