- general description
- Causes
- Symptoms and stages
- Complications
- Prevention
- Treatment in mainstream medicine
- Healthy foods
- ethnoscience
- Dangerous and harmful products
General description of the disease
This is a lesion of the lymphatic system, which is manifested by a violation of the outflow of lymph, while the tissues or limbs significantly increase in volume due to lymphatic edema.
This pathology can be either acquired or congenital. Lymphodema affects 10% of the world’s population, which is about 250 million. Women are more susceptible to lymphostasis, mainly 40 – 45 years old. In 90% of cases, lymphostasis affects the legs. The congenital form of the presented disease is extremely rare.
Lymphatic edema most often affects the legs, but there are cases of lymphostasis of the scrotum, breast, face, or the whole body.
Lymphostasis does not pose a threat to life, but it can significantly worsen the patient’s quality of life.
Causes of lymphostasis
A number of factors can contribute to the development of lymphatic edema:
- impaired kidney function;
- heart failure;
- varicosity;
- damage to the integrity or blockage of lymphatic vessels after trauma, burns or surgery;
- mastectomy for breast tumors;
- parasitic infections;
- advanced forms of pneumonia;
- erysipelas;
- defeat by helminths and viruses;
- prostate cancer;
- sedentary work;
- constant walking in high-heeled shoes;
- hormonal disbalance;
- removal of lymph nodes;
- obesity.
Symptoms and stages of lymphostasis
In the development of the presented pathology, 3 stages are distinguished:
- 1 at the first stage, the edema is not always noticeable and is called reversible. The swelling increases slowly, there is no pain syndrome, patients get used to it and do not pay attention. Lymphostasis continues to progress, the limb gradually increases in size, when pressure is applied to the edema, a small fossa is formed, the skin pattern is smoothed, the skin becomes glossy. The swelling becomes noticeably less in the morning and vice versa, increases in the evening or after prolonged physical exertion;
- 3 at the second stage of lymphostasis, the edema is no longer so soft, since the skin becomes denser due to the growth of connective tissues. The edema does not disappear after a night’s sleep, there is intense pigmentation in the affected area, and the patient’s body weight increases. The skin becomes sensitive and painful;
- 3 at the third stage, the mobility of the limbs becomes limited, due to an irreversible violation of the outflow of lymph, the patient’s weight is rapidly increasing. The third stage is often accompanied by trophic ulcers, eczema and infectious pathologies.
Complications of lymphostasis
The presented pathology is always accompanied by tissue malnutrition, which can result in the following consequences:
- lymphoangiosarcoma is a tumor of the lymphatic vessels of a malignant nature. In this case, one cannot do without surgical intervention in combination with radiation therapy;
- mug – develops as a result of skin lesions by coccal bacteria. Erysipelas can cause sepsis;
- eczema – pathology of the skin, which can cause severe concomitant diseases;
- verrucous lymphostasis represents a significant thickening of the skin, which makes treatment difficult.
In the absence of adequate and timely therapy, the patient’s body becomes susceptible to infections. In addition to physical suffering, the patient experiences severe psychological discomfort.
Prevention of lymphostasis
In order to prevent disorders of lymph circulation, it is necessary to observe hygiene, timely treat even insignificant skin lesions and prevent their inflammation. It is necessary to diagnose and treat pathologies of the heart, kidneys in time and, if the slightest edema and a feeling of heaviness in the legs occur, immediately contact a phlebologist.
Dosed physical activity is very important: running, swimming, dancing, which promote the movement of lymph through the vessels.
Treatment of lymphostasis in official medicine
If even minor edema appears, it is necessary to consult a phlebologist. To determine the cause of the pathology, the vascular surgeon prescribes an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, and in the case of lymphatic edema of the hands, an X-ray of the chest cavity.
Lymphostasis therapy is time consuming and requires an integrated approach. To begin with, you should achieve a decrease in the volume of the edematous limb as soon as possible. At the first two stages of pathology, physiotherapeutic procedures are effective: magnetotherapy, hydromassage, vacuum massage, laser irradiation, manual lymphatic drainage massage. Medicamentous treatment involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, venolymphotonics, vitamin complexes and drugs to relieve itching. The patient is shown moderate physical activity, walks, exercise therapy. To prevent the development of trophic ulcers, the patient is recommended to use compression hosiery, which stimulates the outflow of lymph, thereby reducing edema. In the absence of results from conservative treatment, one of the types of surgical intervention may be prescribed:
- 1 tunneling involves the creation of channels from a fragment of a vein or the use of special micro-prostheses to stimulate the outflow of lymph;
- 2 islet dermatofasciolipectomy – an operation to excision of areas of the skin damaged by fibrosis. The resulting wound is closed with preserved skin layers. Before such operations, several liposuction procedures are prescribed;
- 3 liposuction is performed with minor fibrosis. This procedure involves the surgical removal of the subcutaneous tissue;
- 4 the creation of lymphovenous anastomoses – the isolation of the vessels of the lymphatic bed and their connection with the nearest vein. Effective in secondary lymphostasis.
This pathology cannot be completely cured. People who have undergone lymphostasis should abandon tight shoes, lifting weights, monitor their weight, and prevent obesity. To reduce the risk of secondary lymphostasis, it is necessary:
- whenever possible, try to keep the injured leg above the level of the heart;
- avoid skin injury and sunburn;
- try not to lift weights;
- refuse hot baths and saunas;
- observe the hygiene of the skin.
Useful products for lymphostasis
A special diet for patients with lymphostasis has not been developed. However, patients need to adjust their diet. The nutrition of the patient with lymphostasis should contribute to:
- 1 activation of regenerative processes in tissues;
- 2 elimination of excess fluid in the body;
- 3 normalization of weight;
- 4 strengthening of immunity;
- 5 lowering cholesterol levels;
- 6 decrease in salt concentration.
It is necessary to take food in small portions, but 6-7 times a day. A patient with lymphostasis should try to drink as much water as possible. When compiling a diet, special attention should be paid to such products as: lean unfried meat, dairy products, fresh vegetables and herbs, cereals and legumes, vegetable oils, seafood, citrus fruits.
Patients with lymphostasis are shown vitamins P and C, which dilute the lymph. Therefore, when drawing up the menu, emphasis should be placed on pomegranates, grapes, rowan berries and cranberries.
Traditional medicine for lymphostasis
- bake one onion in the oven, cool, peel, mash with a fork and mix with 1 tbsp. tar. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected areas;
- 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dried plantain leaves chop well and pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, then infuse for 12 hours. Then filter and drink 4 times a day, 100 ml;
- crush 250 g of garlic, add 350 g of honey, mix and leave for a week. Take the resulting mass for 2 months, 1 tbsp. three times a day;
- regularly consume beet juice, which stimulates metabolic processes and stimulates the lymphatic system;
- brew as tea from black currant leaves and rose hips and drink during the day in small doses;
- twice a day, make warm baths from the decoction of the series;
- to thin the blood, you should drink 1 tbsp in the morning before meals. boiled water with the addition of 10 ml of apple cider vinegar;
- improve the flow of lymph leeches;
- take 1 tsp on an empty stomach. honey.
Dangerous and harmful products for lymphostasis
Patients with lymphostasis should review the diet and exclude foods that can cause edema:
- smoked products;
- alcohol;
- if possible, completely eliminate salt;
- fried foods;
- pasta, baked goods;
- mayonnaise and store sauces;
- canned fish and meat;
- instant food and convenience foods;
- food with animal fats;
- shop pates and sausages.
The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!
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