The content of the article
  1. general description
    1. Causes
    2. Symptoms
    3. Complications
    4. Prevention
    5. Treatment in mainstream medicine
  2. Healthy foods
    1. ethnoscience
  3. Dangerous and harmful products

General description of the disease


The disease is a malignant tumor pathology. It affects the internal organs and the lymphatic system, quickly metastasizes and, if untimely therapy, can lead to the death of the patient. Lymphosarcoma is most susceptible to children under 7 years old and 20-30 year old men, this pathology occurs in 15-17% of cases.

Lymphosarcoma can affect any organ with lymphoid tissue. Varieties of pathology differ in the type of tumor growth:

  • nodular form characterized by focal cell growth. A tumor of this form is less dangerous, although in some cases it can become diffuse;
  • diffuse form lymphosarcoma differs in that tumor cells grow in layers. The diffuse form is characterized by a more complex flow than the nodular one.

Causes of lymphosarcoma

Lymphosarcoma develops as a result of malignant degeneration of blood cells. Then, in the process of mutation, the cells continue to multiply, forming tumor clones. The causes of mutations in blood cells have not yet been precisely established, however, there are versions that they are all associated with such negative effects on the human body as:

  1. 1 genetic predisposition;
  2. 2 Epstein-Barr virus;
  3. 3 age after 65 years or up to 7 years;
  4. 4 rheumatoid arthritis;
  5. 5 HIV status;
  6. 6 overweight;
  7. 7 congenital immunodeficiency states;
  8. 8 frequent contact with toxic substances – herbicides, pesticides;
  9. 9 intense ionizing radiation;
  10. 10 transferred organ transplantation and the use of drugs to reduce immunity.

Symptoms of lymphosarcoma

The focus of lymphosarcoma can be concentrated in any part of the body, therefore, the symptoms of the disease may be different. As a rule, the abdominal cavity, lymph nodes or nasopharynx are affected. But since there is lymphatic tissue in all organs, then lymphosarcoma can affect soft tissues, internal organs and even bones.


Symptoms of lymphosarcoma depend on the location of the tumor. For example, if the nasopharynx is affected, the patient’s voice changes and the tonsils enlarge. Intestinal obstruction is common in bowel cancer. With the defeat of the lymph nodes in the chest, the patient is worried about the swelling of the face, shortness of breath and cough.

Regardless of the localization of lymphosarcoma, there are a number of general symptoms indicating that an urgent need to consult a doctor:

  • lack of appetite and weight loss;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • frequent colds;
  • heavy sweating at night;
  • fluctuation of temperature parameters;
  • anemia;
  • prostration.

Complications of lymphosarcoma

Untimely therapy for lymphosarcoma can lead to serious complications:

  1. 1 metabolic disorders: hypercalcemia and hyperuricemia;
  2. 2 thrombocytosis, leukocytosis, as well as leukopenia;
  3. 3 kinfiltration of the central nervous system, lungs, skin and other organs;
  4. 4 decreased immunity provokes infectious complications;
  5. 5 early metastasis;
  6. 6 secondary malignancy;
  7. 7 obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract.

Prevention of lymphosarcoma

The mechanism of development of lymphosarcoma is still unknown, so there are no specific preventive measures. However, if you suspect lymphosarcoma, you should:

  • to minimize the consumption of food with carcinogens;
  • quit smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • take vitamin complexes with iron;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • observe the mode of work and sleep;
  • avoid UV exposure.

Treatment of lymphosarcoma in official medicine

Self-medication of lymphosarcoma can turn into sad consequences, including death. Therefore, at the first symptoms, a doctor’s consultation is necessary, who prescribes a study of the lymph nodes, abdominal cavity and chest organs and a bone marrow myelogram. In a blood test, it is difficult to detect obvious symptoms of lymphosarcoma.

After the diagnosis is made, a therapy is chosen, which depends on the stage of the pathology:

  1. 1 chemotherapy – the most common way to treat this disease, since lymphosarcoma quickly metastasizes. This method is used at all stages of the disease, the number of courses depends on the stage of lymphosarcoma;
  2. 2 radiotherapy most effective in combination with chemotherapy;
  3. 3 surgical method used in cases where the tumor is concentrated in a specific place. After surgical treatment, polychemotherapy is indicated;
  4. 4 bone marrow transplantation makes it possible to replace damaged cells with healthy donor cells.

Useful foods for lymphosarcoma

During treatment, the patient needs to eat well. Adequate calories are needed to maintain weight and reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. Nutrition should support the systems and organs affected by the negative effects of polychemotherapy and at the same time not overload the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the patient’s diet should include the following foods:

  • fresh green vegetables;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • vegetable soups;
  • seasonal fruits and berries;
  • veal liver;
  • poultry meat;
  • beans and other legumes;
  • lean fish;
  • freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices;
  • cranberries;
  • broccoli, cauliflower and brussels sprouts;
  • soy products;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • tomatoes;
  • green apples;
  • seafood.

Traditional medicine for lymphosarcoma

Alternative methods can be used to help with the official treatment for sarcoma:

  1. 1 drink like tea a weak infusion of young pine shoots;
  2. 2 lubricate the tumor with fresh celandine juice;
  3. 3 drink in small portions during the day decoctions of rose hips, oat or flax seeds;
  4. 4 try to eat baked pumpkin as often as possible;
  5. 5 take three times a day for 0,5 tsp. pollen and drink it with a little milk;
  6. 6 blueberries are famous for their good tonic effect;
  7. 7 birch mushroom tea;

Dangerous and harmful foods for lymphosarcoma

In order to minimize the effects of chemotherapy, you should limit the use of harmful and heavy foods:

  • alcoholic beverages;
  • fast food;
  • store sauces;
  • canned foods;
  • salt;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • strong meat broths;
  • sweet soda;
  • store semi-finished products;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • fermented foods;
  • sausage and smoked meats.
Information sources
  1. Herbalist: golden recipes for traditional medicine / Comp. A. Markov. – M .: Eksmo; Forum, 2007 .– 928 p.
  2. Popov A.P. Herbal textbook. Treatment with medicinal herbs. – LLC “U-Factoria”. Yekaterinburg: 1999.— 560 p., Ill.
  3. Wikipedia, article “Sarcoma”
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The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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