Lymphatic drainage massage: video reviews
The health of a person as a whole depends on how correctly the lymphatic system functions. If at a young age she copes with the function of removing accumulated toxins and toxins from the body, then with age and diseases, increased and stress, improper lifestyle and nutrition, the lymph flow slows down. This problem can be solved by lymphatic drainage massage.
Lymphatic drainage massage: reviews
Consequences of impaired lymph flow
As a result of stagnation of lymph in the body, fluid accumulates, which leads to the appearance of edema. There is “clogging” with toxins, end products of decay, cells and blood vessels cease to receive oxygen in the required amount, the recovery processes in the body are significantly slowed down.
An effective means of restoring the work of the lymphatic system is massage aimed at improving lymph flow.
Disorders of lymph flow lead to the appearance of many unpleasant symptoms: chronic fatigue, poor health, sleep problems, decreased performance, headaches, edema, dark circles under the eyes, unhealthy complexion, and cellulite. A decrease in immunity as a result of a malfunction in the lymphatic system leads to an exacerbation of chronic diseases and frequent colds.
Lymphatic drainage massage: indications
A course of lymphatic drainage massage can be prescribed for:
- severe edema syndrome
- overweight
- acne (except for a purulent form)
- postoperative and keloid scars, stretch marks
- post-burn changes in the skin
- the initial stage of varicose veins
- cellulite
- problems with the gastrointestinal tract
- decreased immunity and vitality
A good massage goes well with various methods of rejuvenation, detoxification, and deep cleansing.
Lymphatic drainage massage: effectiveness
Lymphatic drainage massage frees cells from decay products and metabolites, improves metabolism, and has a positive effect on reducing excess weight. In the process of procedures, the lymph flow is accelerated, due to which toxins and other harmful substances are not stagnant and are quickly removed from the body, the flow of oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues improves.
Lymphatic drainage therapy helps in the elimination of intercellular fluid, as well as in the fight against cellulite. The massage restores the structure of subcutaneous tissue, muscle tissue, improves skin turgor. As a result, the complexion becomes healthy, skin elasticity increases, headaches disappear, a feeling of youth and lightness appears, and a surge of vitality.
Lymphatic drainage massage is practically painless and is often described as relaxing and soothing. It has been proven to have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. Lymphatic drainage therapy can be recommended as a prophylaxis in the functioning of the lymphatic system.
Cosmetologists and doctors recommend performing lymphatic drainage massage at least weekly. This simple and effective procedure allows you to maintain your beauty and youth without surgery. If you are prescribed a body wrap or anti-cellulite massage, deep cleansing of the body, plastic surgery on the face, you should first undergo a course of lymphatic drainage. In these cases, he contributes to the achievement of the desired result.
Lymphatic drainage massage technique
The technique of lymphatic drainage massage is based on the knowledge of the direction of movement of the lymph and the location of the lymph nodes. It is carried out both on the body and on the face. According to the method of action, such massage can be hardware and manual. Depending on the required level of lymphatic drainage, a distinction is made between deep, middle and superficial massage. For each of these levels, different methods of carrying out this procedure are used.
The manual lymphatic drainage technique is used for all levels. Manual massage is performed for all parts of the body: back, legs, neck, shoulders, arms, eyelids, face. Usually, this massage is combined with various cosmetic products, thereby increasing the comfort of the procedure, the duration of which can be from 15 minutes to 1 hour.
Manual lymphatic drainage massage includes slow centripetal undulating strokes with varying degrees of pressure, as well as rubbing and patting
It is advisable that the lymphatic drainage massage is performed by an experienced specialist. However, you can achieve a good effect with regular home massage. To do this, it is advisable to use essential oils or anti-cellulite massage creams, which will warm up the skin well, as well as enhance the effect of the procedure. To visualize how the technique of this massage is performed correctly, you can watch video tutorials on this topic, which are easy to find on the Internet.
Hardware lymphatic drainage massage is a kind of hardware cosmetology. It can be as follows:
- vacuum and microcurrent drainage
- pressotherapy
Vacuum therapy is the most common drainage method aimed at restoring lymph flow in problem areas of the body. This procedure is similar in principle to vacuum massage. Special hollow nozzles are brought to a separate part of the body, in which low pressure is created. The lymphatics, which are under such a nozzle, begin to actively move, forcing excess fluid to leave the tissues.
Microcurrent therapy is a gentle method of stimulating the lymphatic system using micropulse current, which is used for both the body and the face. It is an ideal treatment for injured and sensitive skin. This massage is used for:
- removing bags and puffiness under the eyes
- reduce wrinkles
- alignment of the oval of the face
- body shaping (lift of the chest, hips, abdomen)
- losing weight
Lymphatic drainage massage
The impact on the lymphatic system during pressotherapy occurs with the help of compressed air under high pressure. For this, special attachments are put on the patient, depending on the area of exposure. Usually this method is used to get rid of swelling of the hands or feet, as well as excess volume.
Lymphatic drainage massage: contraindications
Lymphatic drainage massage is not performed in the presence of:
- inflammatory processes in the active stage
- skin lesions (purulent inflammation, open wounds, etc.)
- blood diseases
- oncological diseases
In addition, it is also better for pregnant women to postpone the procedure until the end of the lactation period. In any case, for the appointment of lymphatic drainage massage, as well as the identification of contraindications, a specialist consultation is needed.
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