Lymphatic drainage facial massage
Vibrating and pressing movements are the secret, if not of eternal youth, then of a clear relief of the face, at least. Lymphatic drainage massage can be done at home, independently achieving visible results.

What is lymphatic drainage facial massage

Modeling, tightening the skin effect – for this everyone loves lymphatic drainage facial massage. During the procedure, local activation of lymphatic flows occurs, metabolism is accelerated, and toxins are removed from skin cells. This is important, because it is the disruption of the lymph flow that provokes the appearance on the face of the very problems that in the morning have to be masked with tonal means.

Lymphatic drainage massage restores freshness, even tone and elasticity to the skin of the face. Excess fluid, thanks to a combination of pressing and vibrating massage movements, quickly leaves the intercellular space, so swelling in the areas being worked out goes away very quickly.

Indications for the procedure

Lymphatic drainage massage is worth a try if you do not like the condition of the skin of the face (flabbiness, pastosity), mimic wrinkles have become more noticeable, and nasolabial folds and bruises under the eyes are pronounced. Ptosis (sagging facial contour, double chin, drooping eyelids) is also a good reason to master the technique of performing lymphatic drainage massage at home.

Contraindications to the procedure

Lymphatic drainage facial massage is categorically not recommended for serious diseases, such as oncology, thrombophlebitis, diabetes mellitus. The list of temporary contraindications includes dermatological problems, damage to the skin, pregnancy, infections of the upper respiratory tract.

How often to do

As a rule, two or three times a week is enough to control the contour of the face, keep the skin young and fresh, and stabilize the situation with morning swelling. Be sure to try lymphatic drainage massage on the evening before an important event – you will be the most beautiful at the event.


The average time for a lymphatic drainage facial massage is 20-30 minutes. Do it in the morning – remove the swelling that appeared during the night. The evening procedure additionally removes the tension accumulated during the day: the muscles relax, the body rests.

Benefits of massage

Lymphatic drainage facial massage is a non-invasive, painless technique that gives a visible rejuvenating effect and does not require a rehabilitation period after the procedure.

  • Normalizes the lymphatic system, removes toxins.
  • Improves the quality of the skin, increases its tone.
  • Eliminates mimic wrinkles.
  • Removes puffiness, bags under the eyes.
  • Normalizes complexion.
  • You can do it yourself at home.

Cons of massage

There are no obvious negative factors for lymphatic drainage facial massage – the procedure is safe and really improves skin condition.

There are two downsides to this technique:

  • Lymphatic drainage massage does not help with swelling caused by diseases.
  • To consolidate a stable result, it is necessary to perform the procedure regularly.

Technique for performing lymphatic drainage facial massage at home

The lymphatic drainage technique of facial massage involves the impact from top to bottom: from the forehead to the chin and neck. Each procedure should begin in the same way – with warming up the tissues with light stroking movements, and end with light pats.

Strong pressure on the skin can not be. The movements are confident, intense (pinching, pressure and vibration with the fingers), but not traumatic to the skin.

There are a lot of schemes for performing lymphatic drainage facial massage. All algorithms involve a phased study of zones, taking into account massage lines.

  1. We cleanse. Thorough make-up removal, ideally a light peeling with fruit acids.
  2. Improving glide. We apply cream so that the fingers glide better, the skin does not stretch.
  3. We carry out lymphatic drainage. Frontal zone: put the fingers of both hands in the middle of the forehead, make light movements towards the temples. Area around the eyes: from the inner corners of the eyes we move to the temples (upper eyelid), we slide from the inner corners of the eyes, going down (lower eyelid). Zone of cheekbones and cheeks: circular movements from the center of the chin to the sides. Nasolabial zone: we draw straight lines with index fingers from the base of the nasolabial zone towards the nose.
  4. Finish.

After the procedure, refresh your face with tonic and apply cream.

Photos before and after lymphatic drainage facial massage

Reviews of cosmetologists about lymphatic drainage facial massage

Ekaterina Taratynova, founder of the Honey and Oil massage studio:

Lymphatic drainage massage allows you to remove swelling, remove toxins from the intercellular space to the lymph nodes. Thus, we will improve the complexion, remove puffiness. If there are some small periodic inflammations, then they will also pass, because the lymph will become clean, and no toxins will be absorbed into the blood.

I recommend doing such a massage on a regular basis for girls from the age of 25, because it is at this age that the metabolism begins to slow down, the first signs of aging appear. This is the optimal age to start taking care of your face and skin.

If we are talking about home procedures, then I would advise daily light five-minute drainage. Who can’t devote time to massage every day, then ؅- 2-3 times a week, for 20 minutes. This will be enough to support your current skin condition. You can do it more often, longer – there will be no harm from this. In principle, any facial massage can be considered partly drainage: any impact provokes the movement of lymph, therefore, no matter what massage you do, there will be a slight drainage effect.

Yulia Evgenievna Zakharova, cosmetologist:

I have a positive attitude towards lymphatic drainage massage. It improves microcirculation and tissue trophism, thanks to which we have a rested look and a fresh complexion. The name of the procedure itself says that you will get a decongestant result, and this is already a lot! After all, more than 70% of patients come to the appointment with a complaint of swelling and bags under the eyes. Most Russian women have a tired (also called edematous) type of aging, many have edematous-deformation. Accordingly, drainage procedures are shown to almost everyone. And, thanks to lymphatic drainage massage, at the stage of problem formation, it is really (hypothetically) likely to postpone the trip to the beautician-injector for some time.

Popular questions and answers

How to improve the effectiveness of lymphatic drainage massage at home?

Ekaterina Taratynova, founder of the Honey and Oil massage studio:

First, the correct make-up removal. The remnants of makeup, if not removed, will get into the pores during the massage, clog them, and inflammation will begin. You also need to choose the right cleansers, tonic, face cream. If skin care cosmetics do not suit you, it harms the skin of the face.

Secondly, in no case should you use oils: neither hydrophilic, nor even a special facial massage will do. They form a film on the surface of the skin that disrupts the hydro-lipid balance, that is, your skin, on the contrary, will dry out. She will not receive any nutrition, hydration. For a massage, take your face cream, which you use in everyday life.

Thirdly, massage must be done along the massage lines. They can be viewed online.

What should I avoid when doing my own lymphatic drainage facial massage?

I would not advise using jars without first learning at a seminar or without watching a video tutorial. Having incorrectly worked out the face with banks, you can leave bruises on your face, as well as burst the capillaries.

You can not do facial massage for those who have problems with skin rashes – severe acne, herpes. The already inflamed skin will be irritated under intense massage effects, and this will only aggravate the situation.

Beauty injections and lymphatic drainage facial massage: how to combine?

Yulia Evgenievna Zakharova, cosmetologist at Clinic 18/81:

There are a great many injection methods, the quality of the skin should always be a priority, and then modeling. It is good to combine lymphatic drainage massage with mesotherapy and plasma therapy, they can be alternated – the result is potentiated. But I would strongly recommend botulinum therapy, filler injections and implantation of threads after a massage course. At a minimum, so as not to reduce the result of injections, and as a maximum, so as not to provoke complications. Therefore, after injection procedures for a while, I recommend refusing to massage.

With what cosmetic procedures is it good to combine lymphatic drainage?

Lymphatic drainage facial massage is perfectly combined with any minimally invasive (superficial peels, care procedures, meso-, plasma therapy) and non-invasive methods (microcurrent therapy, radiofrequency lifting). How best to combine them and in what quantity to perform, the cosmetologist will always tell you, because each of you is unique.

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