Lymph nodes in the neck: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment. Video
Lymph nodes are a barrier that prevents disease-causing organisms and bacteria from spreading throughout the body. As a result, if any disease of an infectious nature occurs, it will certainly affect the condition of the lymph nodes, and they will become inflamed. Therefore, doctors can determine that a person is sick by just feeling his neck. In this case, inflammation of the lymph nodes must be taken very seriously. Indeed, often such a symptom is alarming and signals a serious problem.
Red lymph nodes in the neck
Lymph nodes are small, round or oval formations from half to 50 mm in diameter. Their special location – next to the lymph and blood vessels – contributes to the fact that the lymph nodes become a difficult barrier to infections and cancer cells. Especially often, doctors try to probe the cervical lymph nodes and determine by them whether there is an infection in the body.
What diseases may be the symptom of enlarged lymph nodes?
If the lymph nodes are soft at the time of inflammation, this in most cases means that the infection has reached them, but then the body fights and tries to destroy the pathogenic microbes. In the same cases, when the lymph nodes become hard, doctors understand that the body cannot cope and inflammation begins, which is called lymphadenitis. It is often accompanied by purulent inflammation, fever, pain, etc.
If you understand that you have lymphadenitis, you need to urgently consult a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to use various folk methods such as rubbing, massage or heating in this case.
The doctor will first palpate the affected neck. So he will be able to determine the degree of increase in the nodes and the size of the disaster. Then, based on the results of the examination, other studies are usually assigned to get an accurate diagnosis.
Since the lymph nodes on the neck are in close proximity to the oral strip, their inflammation is often associated with many diseases of the nasopharynx and mouth – caries, sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, etc. This is due to the fact that in this situation the infection is as close as possible to the lymphatic system of the neck.
Very often, inflammation of the lymph nodes can indicate a chronic illness. Moreover, it is not necessary that the lymph nodes were greatly enlarged. They can be small in size, but at the same time be in this state for quite a long time (after a mild infection, the lymph nodes usually return to normal).
Diseases indicated by enlarged cervical lymph nodes include:
- diabetes
- human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
- diseases affecting the lymphatic system of the human body
- oncology
Moreover, it often happens that the lymph nodes become inflamed in response to oncology that directly affects the human lymphatic system – lymphogranulomatosis
Another cause of inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes can be insect or animal bites, as well as serious injuries, skin burns, etc.
There are two types of inflammation: specific lymphadenitis and nonspecific. In the first case, we are talking about those diseases that are caused by inflammatory processes due to the ingestion of parasites such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, etc. Specific ones cause more severe infectious diseases that cause significant damage to health, often even fatal.
Nonspecific usually occurs with the following diseases:
1. Tooth abscess. This is usually an infection located in the root zone of the tooth. Untreated caries, periodontitis, and other dental diseases, as well as mechanical trauma, or the infection got into the oral cavity with an injection while treating a particular problem, can be the cause of its appearance. As a rule, inflammation of the lymph nodes in this case may be accompanied by pain, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, swelling of the gums, and bad breath.
2. Allergy – a disease caused by a special sensitivity to certain things. Concomitant symptoms may include a runny nose, sneezing, coughing, cramps and pain in the eyes, tissue swelling.
3. Angina. Inflammation of the lymph nodes begins in response to inflammation of the tonsils. It is usually accompanied by a sore throat (especially when swallowing), sore throat and dryness in the throat, fever, and also, in some cases, the appearance of plaque on the tonsils (in this case, they speak of purulent sore throat).
4. SARS is the most common cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck. Moreover, with this disease, several groups of nodes can easily increase at once, which causes a certain discomfort to a person. Concomitant symptoms may include cough, nasal congestion, headache, vomiting, and general weakness.
5. Lymphangitis – inflammation of the lymphatic vessels themselves. Usually appears in response to the ingestion of streptococci and staphylococci. Other symptoms that usually indicate that it is lymphangitis are narrow red stripes on the skin, a feeling of chills, the appearance of edema, and weakness.
6. Toxoplasmosis. Disease provoked by Toxoplasma parasites. It is usually transmitted either through the ground or through animal excrement. In addition, you can catch such a disease by eating meat or eggs cooked incorrectly.
Such a disease is especially dangerous for women in a position
This is due to the fact that Toxoplasma is not only transmitted to the child, but also leads to the emergence of pathologies in the child, and the nervous system, eyes, and other organs are affected. Also, pregnancy can often result in miscarriage or premature birth. Additional symptoms in this situation are fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, as well as an enlarged liver and spleen and a general decrease in the body’s performance.
As for specific lymphadenitis, it represents a signal of a more formidable disease, the treatment of which may be long and difficult. So, inflammation of the lymph nodes can signal HIV or even AIDS. This is due to the fact that with such a disease, the entire immune system and the lymphatic system, as part of it, are affected. Often, several groups of lymph nodes become inflamed at once. Other symptoms associated with this disease are elevated body temperature, the inability of the body to resist diseases, ulcers of the oral mucosa, etc.
Another disease indicated by damaged lymph nodes is lupus erythematosus. The disease is autoimmune and very serious. Its essence is that the immune system goes astray and begins to attack healthy cells. Usually accompanied by the appearance of a red rash, especially on the cheeks and the bridge of the nose, general weakness of the body, as well as manifestations of muscle pain.
Blood cancer is a disease caused by mutations in bone marrow cells
In addition to inflamed lymph nodes with this pathology, there is also a tendency to bruise, frequent bleeding, malfunctioning of immunity, pain in joints and bones, an enlarged spleen, as well as a sharp weight loss.
Lymphoma is another type of cancer. It is accompanied by weight loss, high fever, and weakness.
Another cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes is infectious mononucleosis. This disease is also characterized by headaches, migraines, dizziness, mucus in the lungs, fever and various skin inflammations.
How to treat inflamed lymph nodes
First of all, it is necessary to remember that no self-medication is acceptable, it is imperative to see a doctor. True, you should not panic either if you feel inflamed lymph nodes in your neck or your child. After all, this may be a signal that the body is fighting some kind of mild infection.
How to treat swollen lymph nodes in your neck
In any case, only a specialist can make a diagnosis. He will also prescribe a treatment regimen for the disease that caused this inflammation. After all, there are no other ways to remove inflammation from the lymphatic system.