Lyme disease – symptoms, prevention, treatment, tests. Is there a Lyme disease vaccine?

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Lyme disease causes flu-like symptoms, along with numbness of the limbs and tongue, chronic joint pain, skin rash and depression. How to recognize a disease and how to properly protect against it?

Lyme disease – a known tick-borne disease

Lyme disease is a condition otherwise known as Lyme disease or tick-borne disease. It was first heard about in the second half of the 80s. It is believed to be caused by infection with bacteria (Borellia burgdorferi). These bacteria can exist in several forms (spirochetes and cysts). The former are highly mobile, while cysts (spore forms) are immobile and resistant to antibiotics that can destroy the spirochetes.

Some forms of Lyme disease cause symptoms in the articular area, while others relate to neurological conditions. There are also various types of skin changes. At Medonet Market you can buy the DuoLife BorelissPro dietary supplement, the natural composition of which is helpful in the prevention of tick-borne diseases and alleviates symptoms in the event of an infection.


Lyme disease can occur when the tick begins to secrete saliva and the contents of the midgut into the wound of the person it has attacked.

Lyme disease is concerned, among other things, with:

Lyme disease also attacks the facial nerves responsible for normal facial expressions – in this case, the patient may have problems closing the eyelid or the drooping corner of the mouth.

Zobacz: Can You Have Lyme Disease? [CHECK]

In neuroborreliosis, it is also possible to infringe the nerves responsible for proper vision, so it may be a frequent symptom sensitivity to light i transient visual disturbances.

Unfortunately, some doctors ignore the patient’s symptoms and cannot recognize them correctly, Lyme disease can cause depression, mood swings, excessive irritability and concentration disorders.

Other symptoms of Lyme disease, in addition to those mentioned above, include:

  1. cystitis,
  2. problem with regular menstruation;
  3. potency disorders (rare).

All types of Lyme disease are treated with an antibiotic. When Lyme disease affects organs, it’s hard to come up with it. It is necessary to be able to distinguish the most important skin forms of the disease, because at this stage the treatment brings the greatest results. Lyme disease is in most cases completely curable, provided it is diagnosed early. Therefore, you should see a doctor as soon as you notice the first symptoms related to Lyme disease. You can arrange a consultation with a family doctor online even within a few minutes via the portal. Importantly, the visit will take place as part of the National Health Fund.

To support proper detoxification of the body and improve immunity, use BOLLERIOCAPS for immunity, thanks to which you will quickly get rid of harmful substances that may have entered your body, e.g. as a result of contact with a tick.

To check if the ticks that have bitten you were not carriers of the Lyme virus, do a Lyme Disease Dispatch Chromatography Test (tick test).

Lyme disease – skin symptoms

The first skin symptom that may indicate Lyme disease is erythema. It has the shape of an oval ring that appears at the site of the tick bite. It is characteristic for it to expand into ever larger areas. It happens that blisters and even necrotic changes appear on its surface. Erythema is not the only skin symptom typical of Lyme disease. In addition to him, you can observe:

  1. chronic atrophic dermatitis – these are red-gray spots on the legs that appear rarely (most often they are a symptom of Lyme disease in children);
  2. blue-red tumor (lymphocytic lymphoma) – This lesion is painless and usually occurs in the scrotum, auricle or nipples.

In the prevention of tick-borne diseases and as an auxiliary in their treatment, it is worth drinking BOLLERIOFIX – a herbal tea that has antioxidant, cleansing and strengthening properties.

Also read: Erythema may not appear. What are the other symptoms of Lyme disease?

Lyme disease – erythema

After a tick bite, the so-called migratory erythema, which is usually a toxic-inflammatory or allergic lesion. Erythema appears as a rash that does not usually go above skin level. The erythema is warm to the touch and is usually not itchy or painful. The rash is generally a maximum of 5 cm in diameter and will disappear after a month, regardless of treatment.

It is worth mentioning that erythema does not occur in every person bitten by a tick. The characteristic reddening of the skin occurs only in some cases. People who develop erythema should immediately see their primary care physician to check whether it is an allergic reaction to a bite or a migratory erythema, which is a sign of developing Lyme disease.

Diagnostics for Lyme disease should actually be done every time a tick bite. This is very important because the sooner the disease is detected, the greater the chance of a cure.

Danger the development of Lyme disease in the first two days it is small, but then it starts to increase with each passing hour. If you suspect that you may have Lyme disease, perform a package of laboratory tests that will allow you to make a diagnosis and facilitate the implementation of effective treatment.

Lyme IgG test

One of the tests that diagnose Lyme disease is test ELISA. It is one of the oldest methods used to detect Lyme disease. It involves taking blood from a person who has bitten blood and then analyzing it for the presence of antibodies. It is used to perform the test the Lyme spirochetewhich, in the presence of antibodies in the blood of the infected person, combines with them (positive result). The Elisa test is the cheapest diagnostic test, but not very effective. The effectiveness is estimated at approx. 40%.

The test can be performed under the National Health Fund if we have a referral from a doctor. Privately, the cost of the test is about PLN 60, depending on the laboratory.

Western Blot test for Lyme disease

As with the ELISA test, in this diagnostic test it is necessary to collect the blood of a person after a tick bite. Western blot detects specific antibodies – IgM and IgG, which are characteristic of Lyme disease. The sensitivity of this test is much greater as it is close to 90%. One downside to this study is that its the results are available only after approximately 6 weeks from infection, which results from the so-called serological window consisting in the time interval from the time of spirochete infection to the time of detection of antibodies in the blood.

Doctors generally suggest repeating the test after a few weeks. Unfortunately, the western blot test is not a cheap test, its cost ranges from 150-300 PLN.

PCR test for Lyme disease

It is recommended to be performed immediately after suspicion of Lyme infection. The PCR test is about detection the presence of bacteria in the DNA responsible for causing Lyme disease. The test can be performed several hours after infection, before the body’s immune response occurs. Blood is also required for the PCR test. The waiting time for the result is about a week, and the cost is about PLN 170.

Read more: Lyme disease test – indications, course, price

If you are concerned about a tick bite, we recommend a repellent product:

  1. Mosquito and tick repellent for children – compare prices
  2. Mosquito and tick remedy – compare prices
  3. Spray for ticks, mosquitoes and flies – compare prices

Lyme disease in children

Lyme disease in children can go undiagnosed for a long time. Erythema occurs only in some children, and the remaining symptoms are not very specific, which delays the correct diagnosis. At the same time, it is associated with a lower chance of a complete recovery.

Lyme disease in children may be congenital, that is, the infection happened in the womb. However, this happens quite rarely, because Lyme disease most often occurs as a result of a tick bite (the area of ​​the bend of the legs or arms). Ticks most often carry the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi.

In a child bitten by a tick, little specific symptoms may appear, such as:

  1. irritability,
  2. muscle and joint pain,
  3. headache
  4. quick fatigue,
  5. reluctance to play,
  6. disturbance in concentration and memory (learning difficulties).

Also read: Imaginary Lyme Disease – What is it?

Lyme disease prevention – how to protect yourself?

A vaccine for Lyme disease has not yet been invented, and its treatment significantly weakens the body because the patient has to take appropriate antibiotics for a long time. Therefore, be especially careful about the presence of ticks on the skin – after each visit to forest areas or a walk in the meadow, it is best to carefully examine yourself and your loved ones, especially paying attention to the places in the groin area. In these areas, the skin is much thinner and particularly vulnerable to ticks. In addition, pets should also be taken care of.

If you notice a tick on the body, you should immediately pull it out with tweezers, taking care that there is no mouth apparatus left in the skin. Ticks are extremely crush-resistant, so it’s best to get rid of them with high-percentage alcohol. The first skin symptoms in the form of a characteristic erythema should be reported to the doctor as soon as possible – Lyme disease is easier to cure in its first stage.


In recent years, there have been reports of research on a potential mRNA vaccine for Lyme disease. The development and marketing of such a preparation could significantly influence the current situation related to the common risk of developing Lyme disease.

Read more: The vaccine will protect against Lyme disease? It’s an mRNA preparation

At Medonet Market you can buy a genetic test that will allow you to assess the risk of tick-borne diseases.

Lyme disease that develops in our body for many years can do a lot of damage and very often shows symptoms after many years. Diagnosing Lyme disease after a long time is very dangerous for our health and life, because many neurological symptoms may occur, including inflammation of the nerves or the brain. Some patients are in such a bad condition that they can no longer function independently.

Symptoms of chronic Lyme disease also include: eating disorders (which may lead to anorexia), psychosis, changes in consciousness, blurred vision, dementia, delirium and seizures.

Read also:

  1. Repellants – effective ways to fight insects and more
  2. What to do when a tick bites?
  3. The most dangerous tick-borne diseases. What can you get infected in Polish plein-airs?

Treatment of Lyme disease consists in taking antibiotics by the patient. The treatment is long, taking from 21 to 28 days. At the same time, agents that will counteract the symptoms of Lyme disease can be administered.

Standard antibiotics for Lyme disease include: tetracyclines, minocycline, metronidazole, penicillin or cephalosporin. If the sick person is a pregnant woman, a child or a person allergic to certain medications, the doctor selects pharmacotherapy individually.

We early stage of Lyme disease is given, for example:

  1. Zinnat – suspension and 500 mg tablets
  2. Ceroxim – an antibacterial drug

As a result of a tick bite, other tick-borne diseases can develop next to Lyme disease if the tick was a carrier of them. In such a situation, it is also necessary to implement parallel treatment of these diseases.

Lyme disease – the effects of the disease

1. The neurological complications of Lyme disease are:

  1. meningitis,
  2. encephalitis,
  3. eyelid gap regurgitation,
  4. facial nerve palsy,
  5. optic neuritis.

2. Lyme arthritis (there is severe and short-lasting pain, including: knee, elbow, shoulder and hip joints.

3. Cardiac complications of Lyme disease:

  1. pneumonia-like symptoms,
  2. pericarditis,
  3. endocarditis,
  4. Lyme myocarditis,
  5. rozstrzeniowa cardiomyopathy.

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