Lychnis crown: planting and care
The crowned lychnis is also popularly called the dawn. The plant blooms from early June to late autumn, therefore it is suitable for decorating a flower bed.
The plant is a perennial, so choose a site carefully to grow it. Lychnis does not need a transplant for more than 5 years. It is not picky about soil and lighting, but in the shade, the flowers of the plant will be small, and the flowering is scarce. Better to choose a sunny area.
Lychnis crown belongs to the clove family
A month before planting, loosen the ground, apply fertilizers. For 1 sq. m you need a bucket of compost, 50 g of superphosphate and 40 g of potassium magnesium. If the soil is heavy, thin it with 10 kg of sand. In such a soil, the plant feels comfortable.
Lychnis can be propagated in the following ways:
- By cuttings. In June, cut cuttings up to 20 cm long from the mother bush. Plant them in a greenhouse. If growing outdoors, cover the cuttings with plastic wrap. In the fall, you can transplant seedlings to a new location.
- By dividing the bush. Perform this procedure in the spring. From a bush over 4 years old, you can get 5 seedlings. Plant young plants no closer than 20 cm apart.
- Seeds. Lychnis reproduces by self-sowing, so you can choose the strongest seedlings and plant them. In April, you can plant your harvested seeds. They will sprout in 3 weeks. When three leaves appear, dive the seedlings. Flowers will bloom only in the 2nd year.
Cutting is most suitable for terry varieties, since the maternal traits are preserved.
Taking care of a flower is easy. Water the plants after the soil surface is completely dry. If moisture stagnates, roots fester, diseases may appear: rot, spotting or rust. At the first symptoms, treat the lychnis with a solution of fungicides.
Before and after flowering, feed the flower with nitrogen-free mineral products. Add sand to the soil annually.
It is not necessary to cover the lychnis for the winter, but be sure to cut off the ground part of the plant, leave a stem 5 cm high from the ground. If this is not done, there is a high probability of freezing.
The decorativeness of the crown lichnisa depends on the correct planting and care. For the prevention of diseases and pests, do not allow thickening of the stems, and also treat the soil with copper-containing preparations.
Lychnis crown can be used for group plantings, decoration of rockeries and rocky hills. It can be paired with carnations, chrysanthemums and bells. Lychnis looks especially attractive among yellow flowers.