Lychee syrup: recipe at home

Lychee is a fruit tree of the Sapindaceae family. We sometimes call it “Chinese plum”. The evergreen tree usually has a height of 10 to 30 meters. It contains a huge number of flowers, but only from 3 to 15 fruits can develop on them.

Syrups are created according to a special recipe. Each manufacturer keeps it in the strictest confidence. However, Whisk has found a recipe you can make yourself!

Making Lychee Syrup


  1. Lychee – 250 g

  2. Sugar – 1kg

  3. Water – 1 cup

Method of preparation

  1. Remove the shell and stone from the lychee.

  2. Mix all ingredients in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes or until fruit is tender.

  3. Remove from heat, then cover the pot and let the mixture sit for 10-15 minutes.

  4. Strain the pieces of fruit and pour the syrup into a sterile jar with a tight lid. Fruit can be used in cooking or for cocktails as a decoration.

  5. Keep refrigerated.

Relevance: 19.08.2019

Tags: Syrup Recipes

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