Lychee: benefits and harms to the body
The name of this unusual berry is translated as “Chinese plum”. We tell you how lychee is useful and what amazing properties it has

Lychee story

China is considered the birthplace of the lychee, where it is also called the “dragon’s eye” for its cross-sectional appearance. Only the jelly-like pulp of the fruit is used for food.

The first mention of lychee dates back to the XNUMXnd century BC. The fruit was first brought to European countries in the middle of the XNUMXth century. Lychee grows throughout subtropical Southeast Asia.

The composition and calorie content of lychee

Caloric value on 100 g66 kcal
Proteins0,8 g
Fats0,4 g
Carbohydrates15,5 g

The benefits of lychee

Lychee contains a large amount of vitamins: C, E, K, groups B, PP, N. A lot of berries and minerals: calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, iodine and others.

Lychee is useful for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, for the prevention of atherosclerosis. The high concentration of potassium, magnesium and nicotinic acid in these berries has a beneficial effect on the heart, lowers cholesterol levels.

Pectins in lychee reduce inflammation in the stomach and intestines, as they have enveloping properties.

In Hindu medicine, lychee is considered an aphrodisiac that affects sexual function and sex drive.

Lychee harm

Lychee is a rather exotic and unusual fruit for us, so you need to try it carefully and in small quantities. It can cause an allergic reaction, and in case of overeating, diarrhea.

– Do not get involved in litchi for people suffering from diabetes because of their sugar content. Children should be given berries especially carefully to avoid an allergic rash. Start introducing litchi into the diet gradually, with one piece, and bring it up to a maximum of 10-12 per day, advises Alexander Voinov, nutrition and wellness consultant at the WeGym fitness club network.

The use of lychee in medicine

Lychee berries are rich in dietary fiber and nutrients, while low in calories and do not contain fat. This makes them an ideal dietary supplement. Thanks to dietary fiber, the feeling of satiety arises for a long time and discourages the desire to have another bite to eat. Lychees normalize the functioning of the digestive system and are recommended for people with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In China, this fruit is considered a natural aphrodisiac, and the inhabitants of India call lychee the fruit of love. It has a positive effect on libido – sexual desire.

Potassium and magnesium are useful in diseases of the heart and blood vessels. And vitamin C and polyphenols in lychee help lower cholesterol and dilate blood vessels.

Lychee is also used in cosmetology. Antioxidant properties help slow down the aging process of the skin and improve the condition of the hair. The juice is rubbed on the skin and applied to the roots of the hair.

The use of litchi in cooking

Lychee is mainly used fresh for food. Desserts are prepared from the pulp: jelly, ice cream, cocktails and added to various dishes. Litchi is used to make wine and sauces. Sometimes the fruits are dried, the peel becomes stiff, and the dry contents roll inside. In this form, it is called the lychee nut. Before use, the skin is cut, and then a large bone is removed.

Exotic salad with chicken and lychee

This unusual dish is nevertheless extremely useful. Low calorie content and high vitamin content makes it ideal for diet food. Greens you can choose any to your taste

Chicken breasts300 g
Lychee (fresh or canned)300 g
Shallot100 g
Greens: cilantro, iceberg, arugula, or watercressbundle
Gingera piece
Lime juicefrom a slice
Olive oilto taste
Salt, black pepperto taste

Boil chicken breasts in water. Cool and cut into cubes. Peel shallots and cut thinly. Coarsely chop the greens. Finely grate fresh ginger root. In a salad bowl, combine the chopped ingredients and lychee (pre-clean the fresh ones). In a bowl, mix oil, salt, pepper, grated ginger and lime juice. Fill the salad.

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Milk jelly with lychee

A healthy creamy dessert with a pleasant sourness. For dietary nutrition, milk can be replaced with skim milk. Serve garnished with berries. Good for raspberries or strawberries

Milk from 3,5%400 ml
Lychee (fresh or canned) 100 g
Gelatin10 g
Sugar50 g
Waterfor soaking gelatin

Pour instant gelatin with water and let it swell. Pour milk into a saucepan and heat, add swollen gelatin and stir until dissolved. Add sugar according to your taste. The more it is, the higher the calorie content of the dessert. You can add a little vanilla sugar or vanilla extract. Bring the mixture to a boil, cool and pour into small bowls (4-6 pieces). Add a few halves of lychee to each. Cool in refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

How to choose and store litchi

Fresh fruits are poorly stored and suffer during transportation. To keep the fruits longer, they are plucked in clusters along with the branch. When buying, pay attention to the peel. In fresh fruits, it is red or pink, not soft and without brown tints and spots.

In the refrigerator, unpeeled fresh fruits can be stored for a maximum of a month, and at room temperature for several days.

Lychee is usually easiest to buy in canned form. It is important to check the composition – it should not contain extra preservatives and additional sugar, because the fruit itself is quite sweet.

Popular questions and answers

Is lychee a fruit or a berry?

Despite the fact that in everyday life lychee is often called an exotic fruit, it is more correct from a botanical point of view to call these fruits berries.

When does the lychee season start and end?

The berries grow in tropical climates and ripen approximately from late April to September, depending on where they are grown. On the shelves, fruits appear en masse in mid-December and almost completely disappear by mid-February.

Can you eat lychee bones?

Raw seeds of these berries are inedible, they contain harmful toxins. However, if you accidentally swallow one bone, nothing bad will happen, damage to the body can be caused by purposefully eating a whole handful.

During heat treatment, toxins break down. For example, in China, the bones are dried, crushed and made into drinks like chicory.

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