Luxurious breast without plastic: 5 easy exercises for the perfect cleavage

Luxurious breast without plastic: 5 easy exercises for the perfect cleavage

How to make your breasts elastic and voluminous without going to a plastic surgeon? Are you ready to find out the truth?

In fact, there are no secrets – only effective exercises that will help lift and even slightly correct the shape of the breast. But what kind of exercises these are, we were described and shown in detail by an expert – personal trainer of the Black Star Fitness gym Ruth Dushkina.

Reduction of hands in the simulator

Sit on the simulator. Keep your back straight. 

Grasp the lever handles in front of you. The arms should be slightly bent at the elbows. The forearms are parallel to the floor.

As you exhale, begin to slowly bring your hands together, straining your pectoral muscles.

Bringing your arms as close to each other as possible, linger in this position for a moment, thereby achieving a peak contraction of the pectoral muscles.

As you inhale, begin to slowly spread your arms, returning to the starting position. Try to stretch your pectoral muscles as much as possible. Do 15 times in 2 sets.

Seated Chest Press

Sit up straight and press your back and head against the back of the machine. Place your legs wider than your shoulders so that your feet are directly under the knees (the angle at the knees is straight).

Grasp the handles with an overhead grip (palms facing forward) shoulder-width apart or wider. This is the starting position.

Inhale and, holding your breath, squeeze the handles from your chest.

At the top point, take a short pause and, holding your breath, smoothly return the handles to their original position.

As soon as the arms are close to the chest, do not stop or exhale, but immediately squeeze the arms from the chest.

Do 12-15 times in 3 sets.


We advise you to do push-ups from your knees – it’s easier and even more effective. Spread your arms as far as possible to the sides. Start pushing up, slowly moving your elbows to the sides. 

Do 12-15 times in 3 sets.

TRX Loop Dips

The main rule is to do it slowly. Take the loops in your hands and take the starting position. The body weight should be resting on the hands. Keeping your body straight, bend your elbows.

With the help of the setting of the legs, the load can be varied. We adjust the angle of inclination: the further the legs stand, the smaller the angle between the body and the floor. This will complicate the exercise.

We go down, repeating the classic push-up movement from the floor, until there is an angle of 90 degrees at the elbows.

We rise up to straighten the arms. We bring them down in the same way as a dumbbell press on a bench.

Do 2 sets to failure.

Dumbbell bench press

Starting position: lying on a bench, dumbbells are at the chest in bent arms, elbows are laid to the sides.

Taking a deep breath, squeeze the dumbbells up onto fully extended arms.

Taking the next breath, smoothly return to the starting position.

Do 12-15 times in 3 sets.

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