Lutein for the eyes – what properties does it have?

Lutein is a yellow pigment found in plants, it has antioxidant properties and has the ability to filter light radiation. This substance belongs to the catretenoids compound, it should be used by people exposed to overexploitation of eyesight. Who else should be taking lutein? What should we know when using this substance?

Lutein for the eyes what is the substance?

Lutein is a naturally occurring substance, classified as one of the most common compounds, i.e. carotenoids. The presence of luteint has been found in vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes. Lutein is orange-yellow in color and dissolves well in fats. Therefore, products containing lutein should be consumed in the presence of fats in order to be well absorbed. In our body, the most lutein accumulates in the macula – the structure of the eye responsible for color vision and image sharpness. They protect the eye against changes caused by free radicals and UV radiation. Lutein deficiency worsens the functioning of the macula.

Lutein for the eyes – where can we find this substance?

Lutein is a necessary substance in our body. We must therefore find products in which it can be found, because it must be accepted from the outside. Lutein can be found in many products of plant origin such as: spinach, cabbage, kale, lettuce, broccoli, parsley, corn, nettle, i.e. a brew with very intense green colors, as well as chicken yolk. In smaller amounts, depending on the color, it is found in yellow and orange fruits and vegetables. Lutein should be consumed in the company of fats, because it is best absorbed. However, many substances limit the absorption of lutein, such as alcohol, tobacco, guar gum, alginates. Unfortunately, it is a capricious substance and loses its properties under the influence of long cooking or even chopping vegetables with a metal knife.

Lutein for the eyes – what properties does it have?

Lutein in the human body has found its place in the macula of the eye, it is responsible for visual acuity, allows for proper vision, reading, recognition of faces or colors. Lutein also protects against excessive use of the macula, excess light and the effects of free radicals. Lutein is designed to reduce the intensity of blue light. In addition, it performs a very important function, neutralizing free radicals in the eye, which are metabolized by the retina. Thanks to lutein, eyesight is protected. Lutein is treated as a natural filter that protects the eyes from radiation. UV.

If there is too little lutein in the body, serious consequences can occur, such as macular degeneration in the eye. People who are at risk of this state of affairs should take lutein for the eyes prophylactically. Preparations containing lutein are also recommended for people genetically at risk of glaucoma or cataracts. It is also recommended for diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy and allergic conjunctivitis.

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