Lush donuts: a recipe for cooking. Video

Lush donuts: a recipe for cooking. Video

Linguists believe that the name of the lush, deep-fried round pie, “donut”, comes from the Polish language. Paczek means “donut” in Russian. Traditionally, it was just a round product with or without filling, and a hole in a donut is already a Russian invention.

Donuts: how to make dough

How to make homemade donut dough

You will need: – 1 glass of milk; – 2,5 cups of flour; – 2 tablespoons of butter; – 2 eggs; – 150 g of sugar; – 1 bag of dry yeast; – a pinch of salt.

Step 1. Pour milk into a saucepan. Put it on a small fire. Add butter to the milk and heat until the butter melts. Remove from heat. Pour dry yeast into warm milk and butter, mix everything.

Step 2. Beat eggs with 50 g of sugar, add a pinch of salt. Pour the egg mass into a saucepan with milk and butter, mix everything and add the sifted flour in small portions. Knead the dough until it begins to lag behind your hands.

Step 3. Lubricate the walls of the dishes (pots or bowls) with vegetable oil. Lay out the dough, cover everything with cling film and place in a warm place for about 2 hours. The volume of the finished yeast mass should at least double in size.

The simplest thing is to form rings or balls from pieces of dough and fry them in a large amount of vegetable oil, and sprinkle the finished donuts with powdered sugar. However, there are many other recipes for baking fragrant donuts.

Recipe 1. Homemade donuts with apple and spicy cinnamon

Wash the apples under cold running water, peel the skin, remove the center and cut them into small cubes.

Roll out the dough, cut out circles of the same size from it (use a glass for this). Place sliced ​​apples in the center of each circle, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Pinch the edges of the dough. Form round donuts. In a saucepan or deep fryer, heat the oil and fry the donuts in it until golden brown.

Cut the banana into pieces (for this recipe, you can and even need to use overripe bananas, donuts from them are incredibly fragrant). Wipe them with a blender, add yogurt. You should have mashed potatoes.

Spoon this mixture over the dough mugs with a teaspoon and form into round donuts. Fry in hot vegetable oil until golden brown.

An important condition: put the finished donuts on a paper towel to drain excess fat. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and cinnamon.

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